Archive for Luna

Making Moon Water

Posted in 2019, Energy, God and Goddess Worship, Good energy, Life, Love, luck, magic, Magick, manifestation, Moon Water, New Age, Spells, Uncategorized, Witch, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 20, 2019 by The Witches Cupboard

This Strawberry Moon I made moon water! It’s so simple and so very powerful. Now what you will need is

  1. Jar with lid
  2. Water
  3. Crystals
  4. Safe place to put your jar outside

I like to bless my water in front of the Full Moon. I like to surround my jar with crystals that complement my desires for the water to absorb. So if I want peace and calm then I would use amethyst. If my focus was Love, then I would use rose quarts. I use incense to also bless the water. I always tell my water that I thank and love her. I say a prayer to the moon and leave the closed jar outside to absorb the glorious power of the moon.

It’s that simple! I will then place the water in the fridge. I will drink small amount of the water daily. I can also pour some into a bowl and make Holy water to bless myself each day, or cleanse my home. The last bit will be used for my ritual shower or bath, where I bless my entire body with it. It’s very versatile.

I hope you try to make this and enjoy it as much as I do.


Luna Noir

Ok so this just happened

Posted in 2019, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 11, 2019 by The Witches Cupboard

So I did my spell and to be honest things have been shifting. Not in an obvious way but very subtle. We have the POS car that was given to my son a while ago. We didn’t want to drive it because I have to admit the car had freaking roaches in it! WHO HAS EVER HEARD OF SUCH A THING?! So because my kids have to get to work (and they don’t drive yet 20 and 21 and they still don’t drive… another day). One through a allergy test I found out that I am allergic AF to roaches! With that being said I told my husband that the car needed to be bombed, and a heavy coat of diatomaceous earth would have to be poured into the car. Needless to say the bugs are gone and vacuumed, detailed. So we needed to put in a new battery and replace a tail light and oil the windows. The point is that we have the POS and it’s doing its job and we are able to not have a car note, or expensive insurance. So we are saving money and are paying off a few debts. My husband has been getting work quite regularly and I have been able to spend more time with my son with his reading, writing, communication, and critical thinking. I have been getting the house slowly organized. Also my marriage is getting back to the strong bond that I’m accustomed to. I’m feeling a bit odd in a way that I am forcing myself to do things better. Eating, listening, taking time with every member of my family. It has been very gradual. Very meticulous and delicate.

Now with that being said, yesterday a man was in my car rummaging through it looking to steal stuff. My husband caught him, and chased him until he lost him in some woods. I was thinking about my spell. How is this helpful, why did this happen? So my conclusion is that my husband finding this person and stopping him has actually made us stronger as a family and has made us decide to get into shape and to take better care of ourselves and to make sure we get to our own property where we can have it set up to protect our family. It seems that this too was a part of the spells. Because usually when this sort of thing would happen back in Detroit, we would become angry, and downtrodden. We all can see this happening, but everyone else seems to have forgotten that I did this spell. Anyway I’m loving the way that things are evolving. I still don’t have a very good clear visual of how things will turn out, but I feel like it’s been already decided that we will be fine.

A side note. I had posted about the crime on a local Maui crime stoppers page and I posted how the guy screamed like a bitch when my husband chased him, and the guy contacted me via facebook messenger. But the message disappeared. They message the guy sent me said that, he was the person who broke into my car. “That was me!” I scrambled to try to screen grab the message, but I was too late. So now I know this man knows where I live and that I’m ready for him to try that shit again. I have put down some protective spells. Simple but have always been affective. I sprinkled salt at all my doorways, and asked the divine Goddess Sophia to stand guard. I also sprinkled the salt across the driveway. Commanding Arch Angle Michale to protect our children and family. Then I took crushed eggshells and put a clump at all the corners of the house and property (outside). Third and last I took some saved period blood and sprinkled it at the perimeter of the house and doorways. Asking my Blood ancestors to stand guard and protect my family and I. So mote it be. Almost forgot that I have figures (one of me), statues of dragons, even a bobblehead of ODIN to protect the house and us in it.

As for the inside I bought a BB gun, and a couple of machetes. So I now own 5 machetes and I had my husband sharpen the old ones. I hope not to have to use any of it. But it can be a part of the universe plan for growth in some way. I don’t think that’s something anyone wants for themselves. But I and my family are in the hands of the Goddess/God and Arch Angel Michale.


Luna Noir


Living With Real Magic

Posted in 2019, Affirmations, children, Energy, episode, Faith, Good energy, help, home, magic, Magick, manifestation, Religion, Spells, tarot, travel, Uncategorized, Witch, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 12, 2019 by The Witches Cupboard

So for those who have followed my journey. or are just starting to read or listen (not even sure if the podcast is still up). I have come a long way baby! I started my Witchy life deep in the hood of Detroit. Casting spells for better jobs, more money, new life, happy family, protection……. To moving to better and better places where I have gotten everything. I’ve moved quite a few places to get to where I am now (Maui Hawaii). It has not been an easy road. But it has been a very magically calculated road. I know many of you already know how to create vision boards, say daily affirmations, or meditations. But maybe you lack the missing piece that so many people don’t do at all. Have faith, trust, unwavering focus. If there is something you want you have to do these things. You need to go to bed knowing that everything that’s on your vision board is already yours. That you can close your eye and feel without a shadow of a doubt that you already have all your bills paid, even when you don’t know where or when the money is coming. You have to believe not only that it’s already yours, but that the money will be there when the time to pay everything is due (if not before). Now this isn’t like the secret (which I still use) where you just think about it and forget it. You do have to actually put some energy towards the things you want. I’ve raised the cone of power during full moons, I’ve used blood magic, and I’ve looked for jobs, and taken opportunities that I wasn’t comfortable with. Yes you have to make active moves to make some shit happen. I never wanted to move out of Michigan. My reasons were because of my family. I didn’t want to leave them. But if I hadn’t, I would not have been able to move my kids to better safer places to live. My family is content with living where they feel comfortable. They don’t want to change. They don’t think that they can do better. They don’t think that at their age they can make upgrades to life. But I had to get uncomfortable for me to feel more comfortable at home, walking in my neighborhood, or have better opportunities for employment. I had to move and feel aches and pains in my stomach, and then get use to that feeling, in order to make another step. Then get myself feeling those same butterflies that felt like disease eating away at my insides. After this began to happen more and more, I would offer those stresses and feelings to Goddess (God, Universe or whatever you connect with). This was a reoccurring thing in my life. I saw the pattern, and when I thought that I was going to try something different, sometime I would stagnate for a while, until I would remembered what worked for me. There is a rhythm to everything, that your kind of magic will show you after a while. I did notice that I felt the need to offer more and more things to Goddess, and while I waited to see what she made with those offerings, I KEPT FAITH! In the documentary the Secret there is this part that tells you that once you set and put forth an intention, you need to keep positive, and do not give up. That it’s like planting grass. You put the seed in the dirt, you cover it and then you water it. You don’t see what’s happening beneath the earth, but you know that you are doing everything you need to do to make this grow and happen. If you give up, you might be just a day away from seeing the sprouts of grass breaking through. If you give up and stop tending to the intentions you set, and if  you struggle and doubt the grass stops it’s growth, and you won’t see the prize you’ve worked so hard for. Having faith, will have you see the things you want grow. Be patient and you will see results.

You know it took 12 hard ass years to move to Maui? We wrote about it, talked about it, and wished about it. But we also gave up many times too. But once we saw the writing on the wall, we dug in our heals and started making every move, a move towards our dream of getting to Maui. Now some of you may think, you must have saved so much money to get there. Nope! The plane landed and we had $345.00. We didn’t even know if the house we were renting was a real listing, we signed a lease sent payments, checked the agency, but we’ve all heard of people who get screwed out of money. So we were nervous. Not to mention we had never set foot on the island until the day we got here. We did a facetime tour with a realtor, and the day we were flying out she was fired from her job. We were told get the key from under the frog at the front door. We prayed there was a frog, let alone an actual house for us to stay in. We had sent all of our belongings ahead, beds cars, cats, EVERYTHING!  With all this stress in play, we were and have been paycheck to paycheck. Can you imagine the stress? Can you see what I mean when I say that you need to have faith, focus, to make what you want happen?

So we’re here and this stress is a constant. Shit is expensive here! We knew this when we chose to move here. The safety our children have here, and the natural beauty, has been worth it.  So every day,  unless you are rich you live like we do. We have been here for three years. we are working hard to stay. Maui isn’t everything I thought it would be (for me especially) I still find it hard for me on a personal level. Like everyone in my family loves it here. I’m still on the fence. But I know that I wanted to be here and everything I did to get here can’t be for nothing. I did tarot, pendulums, and spirit guided connections that all told me to come here. So I’m making every effort to get my shit together and find my bliss here.  I will admit. My powers have been very weak for the first two years. It was a mother fuckers to get my focus on here. But I haven’t given up. If you want to know why I hadn’t kept up with my blog or podcast this is the reason why. Being on a island surrounded by water through my shit for a loop, plus all the other factors that I have just explained hasn’t helped. I thought that it was going to be easier for me to create and manifest here, but it has been a challenge. But I got my sea legs now and nothing is stopping me. Will I start the podcast again? Maybe. But if I do. It’s going to be as close to a live show as possible. Editing and trying to cut out my vocal fry’s and “ums,” will just have to be part of the show. I want to be of service to others, but I do have to put my husband and kids first. I also have thought of another channel (talk about that later). So for this week I am saying, keep strong, stay focused, make a vision board, burn some incense, hold on to your crystals, do whatever you know works for you, and don’t give up on it. The grass maybe just about to sprout right under your feet!

Blessing and So mote it be for your dreams


2017 Protection Spells

Posted in 2017, Affirmations, Angels, Archangels, Energy, episode, excitement, Faith, Feeling good, God and Goddess Worship, Good energy, help, Holliday, home, job, Life, Life, Love, luck, magic, Magick, manifestation, New Age, New Year, possessed, Religion, Spells, Spirit guides, travel, Uncategorized, Witch, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 5, 2017 by The Witches Cupboard

Ok I know that I have been gone for so long many are still with me some have gone, and I don’t blame you if you left. But this year I am starting a bit differently. I will be posting to YouTube and Facebook, Instagram, and for if I can I will be doing another Podcast I truly kinda don’t want to do a podcast if I’m doing all this other stuff. But I guess I don’t have to do all of them every day. I would just like to be consistent, and still be able to raise my kids work and maybe squeeze in some me time. It’s one thing if this was a job and I made money from it but since it doesn’t I do have to be realistic.

So was that too long of a title? LOL Here are a few of the spells that I have been doing for the new year. Just so you know they are very easy and you can make this as hard as you want or as easy. You can use as many herbs as you want or just water and salt. Magic doesn’t have to be a huge drama. But whatever you are comfortable with, then that’s what you should do. Remember that magic feeds off of your energy and if you are feeling like this a pain in the ass then your result will SUCK!

So again here are a few of the spells. Take some sage, St. John the Conqueror powder, white sage and any other magical items that you may find in your cupboard that is for removing negativity, hexes, and evil spirits. I even use herbs that help to promote happiness, love, sexual desire, money, and relaxation. Like lavender (for relaxation), Rose petals, and Jasmine flowers for love and sexual healing and stimulation. For money Basil in the form of oil, Frankincense, and Nutmeg. I almost forgot for meditation, spirituality and visions I use spices and oils for that as well, like Sandalwood, Nag Champa and some Vervain. I may have added a pink of Salt to this as well. I put all the spices and oils in a container, bless them and then set them on a hot coal to smoke. I walk around my home, every room of the house and I think of all the things that I want to attract into the home and all the things that must leave my home. I usually keep all the doors open and the windows so that the good can come in and all that negative can leave. I also bless some water. Add salt to the water and pray over it. Asking that the Goddess bless the water and repel any and all negativity. I know I double up on that one. If you have followed my life and know my relationship with my sister you wouldn’t wonder why. Sprinkle the water in every room, even the bathroom. If there is any water left pour a line at every door entryway. If you believe in Angels then ask Archangel Michael to stand guard outside your door. If not then find your deity to stand guard. Remember that angels are non denominational so you can command then to do your bidding. Don’t be a dick about it but firmly suggest that they help you.

For the new year everyone makes resolutions, and I’ll be honest, I haven’t succeeded in one of those in a while, however I am pretty good at vision boards. The things I place on a vision board is like betting on a sure thing. We moved to Maui with my vision board. I’ll talk about that on my YouTube channel Luna Noir (still getting that up as I write this may take a minute to upload video)  and post on my facebook page which should also post to my Twitter, Instagram. Too much to write here.

Print off sigils look them up and trace them, stitch them into a pillow or a cloth, use your hands, or make sigils out of clay, the more you apply your energy the better it is for you. MEDITATE, meditate, hell daydream! Get your higher self involved however you can.

I hope this helps anyone who is trying to have a better new year. Remember, if you don’t believe in magic then why are you here, and what do you think you are? Every person is magic they just need to give themselves the time to mold their craft into the magical force that’s always been there. old-witch-postcard


Blessings and Get to living a better life


Luna Noir



How it’s going

Posted in Affirmations, Arizona, children, excitement, Faith, Feeling good, God and Goddess Worship, Good energy, help, home, job, Life, luck, magic, Magick, manifestation, Spells, tarot, travel, Wavering, Witch, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 7, 2014 by The Witches Cupboard

calm clear composed I know  its been a while but things have finally gotten stable again. I am in a good place and I’m ready to start recording again. I actually bought a great microphone and I just have to remember how to post a podcast again and then I’m back! I’m not expecting many people to still be there, however there have been so many personal responses to my inbox that those of you who are there, I’m glad to be back with you. So the short of it is. My husband found gainful employment!!! We are in a new safe car for us and the kids, and we hope to go to our first mini vacation to San Diego next month. Since we live in Arizona and still are not in the position to do a big vacation.

We will be driving to the coast and playing at the beach with the kids who have never seen the ocean in person. I plan to give an offering to the spirits of the sea as a thank you for all the blessing that I have received.  Not sure what I will be doing but you know that I will be sharing once I know. So we will have a day in the sun, and stay the  night over there and then drive back. I know there are some people who are either saying big deal, or LUCKY!!! to the big dealers, it is a big deal since not everyone can afford to ever vacation, my family being one of them.

We have never been on a vacation as a family, my last vacation I went on was cut short due to fear of dengue fever while i was pregnant with my first child (17 years ago). When we came back we both lost  our jobs because of downsizing… For those of you who are thinking we are lucky, well luck is not a factor this time. This entire year I have worked some serious candle magic practically every day for a year.

You can read below to see what my husband and I were doing. We made vision boards and positive thinking. Even when it seemed that we would be kicked out of our rental. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING was more important then being positive. It was crazy sometimes to feel happy even when we thought that we wouldn’t be able to afford milk or diapers for our youngest, we were just happy that our two teens at least went to school and could eat there. That’s how deep it got. But always some how we were able to find work (my husband did any way). The rent got paid the food was bought and the kids were always clean dressed and fed.

My message to you is stay focused, meditate however you can, do not let what looks like disaster sway you from having faith in God and Goddess. Have you ever played that game as a child where you cross your arms and fall back into someones arms? Well that’s what you do FAITH WISE. You tell your higher self, Spirit, God, Goddess, Fairies, or whatever your pray to, to catch you. That you trust that they will not let you hit the ground. You will not hit the bottom. Even if you feel the wind pass your ears and you think that in a second you will hit… Know that you are being protected. My husband for the past few months couldn’t find work here or in California like he usually did, the landlord told us that he was selling the house and that we had 2 months to find a new place. We prayed and I did a Tarot reading that said that we would be moving and finding a job.

Within 2 days we got a new job, was able to buy a car since the old one was crap, and had the money to move. We are seriously strapped  for cash right now, but we have moved, paid the rent, paid our utilities and have food and happy kids. That’s what intension, faith and focus does. You make a plan and get what you need, and in time a bit of what you want. I hope and pray you are all doing well. Sending blessing and light to you all.

For those of you who would like to listen to the podcast now, here’s the direct link to this episode:

Luna Noir

The Host of The Witches Cupboard


Posted in 9, Affirmations, angry, child, children, dead, Death, episode, Feeling good, help, home, job, Life, Life, Love, luck, magic, Magick, manifestation, New Age, possessed, son, Spells, Uncategorized, Witch, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 6, 2013 by The Witches Cupboard


Ok I knew something was going wrong when my husband accidentally broke my bottle of elderberry syrup…

I havent been sick for two years now and now I can barely speak due to a horrible sore throat. I thought that it was just allergies at first but now I can see that this is a wee bit more than just that.

So I am going to write about the podcast that I wanted to share with you this week.


Who has them? What are they? What can you gain from them?

Well I have a few of them. I have at least a 12,ooo  year old Mastodon tusk, that was fashioned into a bracelet with silver clasps (once called a slave cuff). This is one of those amulets that when you hold it you can feel the energy of the animal that use to roam the forest of their time. I will usually use this as my power bracelet when I am at family functions. As you may have read in previous podcasts, my family can sometimes be quite vicious. So I use the bracelet as a bridge to how this elefant may have once interacted with his or her family (I do feel that it was female for some reason). So I have always been pleasantly surprised at how much nicer my family have bee towards me when I use the bracelet, it’s almost like I have control over their emotions towards me. Kinda like Jasper Cullen from Twilight.

I also have a Witches ring that is made out of a 2,ooo year old bog wood from England. Now this ring is very strong with good energy but all so I have worn it during sleep and have had horrible nightmarish dreams. I’m not sure if I told you about this dream I had with the ring on. But I’m sure I said I woud. So here is that dream.

My husband and our three children are looking to get into a four bedroom apartment. When the manager sends me up to look at this apartment that just has been freed by there previous tenants. So I notice that one of the rooms was a boys nursery, perfect for my little Eros. So I’m wondering why did the couple leave all of the babies belongings, when I begin to slowly walk to this beautiful bassent that was adorned with white lace, and powder blue crocheted lace trim, it also have a kind of canopy that as I pulled it back away from the bassinet, it reviled the dead body of the boy who’s nursery i was in. He slept there peacefully. I was shocked and ran from the room. I told my husband and he began to scream at the manager of the apartment, as to what the hell was going on! The manager explained that the family were so devastated at the loss of their son that they left before they were able to have the body removed. but they were going to have him removed by days end.

Well needless to say I told my husband that I would NOT be moving into that apartment. My husband reassured me that we would not be getting that apartment and that we would find something fast, since we had to move by the end of the week. So we packed all of our belongings and packed the moving truck and when we got to the new apartment I was happy to see that we were literally at the other side of the building, to where the baby and the nursery were. We all unpacked and when I got to the room where my son Eros was to be sleeping I discovered that we were in the same apartment. We just came from the back door of the building. I was so upset and angry. I ran to my husband and he said that the body had been removed and her thought that there was no reason for us not to ge the apartment since we were in need of an apartment right away. I looked at my two older kids and asked them where their little brother was and they sai that they put him in the nursery. I LOST MY SHIT at this point. so I ran to the nursery and found my son on the floor crying. So as I picked him up I could still see the dead baby in the bassinet but this time he was possessed and writhing there in the bed. His eyes where black, and he had black lips and black dried blood coming from his mouth. I was able to somehow get my son out of there but my legs became stuck to the floor, so I was not able to move. I tried to scream but no sound came out. I looked behind me and the baby was beginning to  pull himself out of the bed and no matter how hard I tried to scream or get my husbands attention I could do nothing. I was able to knock over a broom (which usually means company is coming over to your house) and use the broom to get my husbands to check on me. He was able to drag me off to safety.  During this dream I was trying to wake up but just like the dream I was stuck. So no matter how I tried to wake I just couldn’t.

So that was my first experience with this Witches ring. But as soon as I got up that day I took the ring outside and put it in the sunshine for hours, to burn away any negative energy that may have accompanied the ring. Now I can sleep in it and not have any bad dreams.

I believe that this ring may have recorded a lot of killing. Because there is a sense of sadness, but still very positive. I do love the ring.

I also have an amulet that I made out of clay. This is by far the happiest of the three. I made it out of Sculpey Clay. I took moss green clay and fashioned it into a disk. I carved a simple O with a cross cut into the middle of it. I made it during the full moon, with the intension of finding my life calling. I will admit that it worked very well, but I will say that it has taken a long time for my amulet to CONVINCE me into believing that I can do my life calling.

So anyone can have an amulet and for sure you can make one by yourself. I was lucky to have been able to resonate with a few different kinds. But what’s important is to feel a connection. If you can have a positive experience, the better. I believe that using an amulet can heighten your power in many ways. It can help focus your energies toward your desire. It can gain even more power from positive energies surrounding you. I love how my amulets also protect me from negative energy and helps to direct my life towards my hearts desire and what is best for my life.

I do hope you all try to either find or create your own. I find that it helps fill in the cracks of a persons spells. I usually bless my amulets with smoke and during the full moon.

I just realized that the medicine I am taking is making me feel loopy. I must go now.

Bright Blessing to you all and as soon as I can I will post this podcast or a new one may God and Goddess Bless.



Angry Face

Posted in 9, Affirmations, angry, child, children, episode, excitement, help, Life, magic, Magick, manifestation, New Age, Ostara, Religion, son, Spells, Uncategorized, Witch, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 5, 2013 by The Witches Cupboard


In short I am re recording my 9th Episode. I thought that it was recording for forty-five minutes and then when I went to insert the artwork the beginning of the podcast was fine for three minutes and then DEAD AIR for the next twenty-three minutes. I am livid people!. But I am going to re-record the Episode as soon as I can get my son to sleep tonight.

Sorry Folk, I’m trying



Posted in Affirmations, Angels, Archangels, Arizona, Chamuel, children, Faith, Feeling good, God and Goddess Worship, help, home, job, Life, Life, Love, luck, magic, manifestation, New Age, Religion, Spirit guides, tarot, Uncategorized, Wavering with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 23, 2011 by The Witches Cupboard


Every time you think that I’ve over come a hurdle the universe tries to put larger ones in front. My husband is about to be let go from his job out here in Arizona. Him working 72 hour weeks is just not enough he has been told. That’s a shame since that is all that he was willing to give. You see my husband would love to be able to give up more of his time for this job, but that would mean that he would not be home to see his two kids or his wife. The company is going to help him find a new position since as the district manager said “i feel responsible for bringing you and your family out here”. That was nice of him. (no sarcasm). So the four of us are out here,with one quiet old mini van with no air conditioning and about to have no job. There is no family out here for any of us to call on for help. Am I upset? Nope, am I worried?  I was for about 1/2 a day ( i’ve had this knowledge for about a week). Do I have hope? OH GODDESS and GOD YES! Why? Because they have never let me truly hit rock bottom. Even those times that I screamed out WHY HAVE YOU TAKEN MY BABY ! They have never let me hit the ground. My husband has even begun to truly use his abilities to manifest change, he calls on God and Goddess for help and his angels too. My kids are also working with the universe and their angels. With friends like these helping us what  do we have to fear? Nothing. BTW I must say that I’m lucky to have a husband who tries  to help his family have a better life, but isn’t willing to do destroy our family with a job that would only hurt us with out his presence here. We are very close and being here these three months and only getting to see our dad and husband for maybe an hour or two a day was so hard. We want more money, but not at the expense of loosing our relationship with each other.

Just so you know, I have been trying to get my podcast up and running and I’m sorry about the delay. Since we moved I first needed the computer to be unpacked and then my motivation has been in question. Now my husband tells me that I need a something for my iMac computer that will aid in me uploading since I had been uploading with my old PC before (still in a box somewhere). So with all this new job searching going on, I am stuck with blogging for the moment. I will have a back log of podcasts since I am continuing  to record shows. So I wager that when I do get this situation rectified, I will flood the podcast air ways with some of the most riveting shows known to man (see how flexible I am, I can even reach to kiss my own ass).

Till then I will beat down the lower energies with a mighty stick. Tell them to bite my ample ass and leave me and others who want peace in their lives the hell alone. My readings that I have given for myself have told me of this change that was about to happen, but me being such a pompous ass thought that it may have been wrong. Well I won’t do that again.  I think that’s why I should have some one give me my readings, since the ego plays such a role in how a person wants to believe in what the Oracles are trying to tell a person. 











Well I’m about to record another podcast. Please if you would like to help, ask your devine deities to help with my situation as well, make sure there is some prayer to the podcast fairy to help me also upload my shows. I not will turn away  any positive help. In my life.

Thank you and Be Blessed

Luna Noir TWC

Affirmation: I see my life with all that I need, all that I want and as much as God, Goddess, and my devine Angles feel I deserve. and so it is.


Posted in Affirmations, Angels, Archangels, Arizona, Chamuel, children, Faith, Feeling good, God and Goddess Worship, help, home, job, Life, Life, magic, manifestation, New Age, Religion, Spirit guides, tarot, travel, Uncategorized, Wavering with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 25, 2011 by The Witches Cupboard

The worst drive to my new life in Arizona.

This is was the worst drive to get out here to Arizona. I didn’t get in to details about it since the last post was regarding overcoming the horrible economic times in my life. But truly the trip was horrible. First we left 2 days  late

  1. The house we had been renting didn’t fix an issue with the bath tub (the tub liner filled with water making your footing in the shower feel like you were on a waterbed), which I slipped in twice.
  2.   When we we’re suppose to leave I was in so much pain, I went to the doctors to make sure that I hadn’t broken my shoulder. (It wasn’t but there may be some tendon damage).

Once we got on the road, My daughter and I followed my husband and son while they drove in the moving truck (that was also pulling our mini van on a trailer) (which fished tailed ALL THE WAY THERE!) in the first 3 hours my husbands moving truck  trailer blew a tire. They almost lost control of the entire truck and load. From this point I began to be so nervous that I was unable to keep myself from shaking.  When we stopped at rest stops I was so paranoid that we would be ambushed by brigands that I couldn’t sleep (my focus was on making sure we were all safe). So when I would take, literally a 15 minute nap. I would wake up and then, I would drug myself with caffeine (mountain dew was my bitch on this trip), and then when that began to fail I pulled out the no-dose, this went on through every state. We passed through Joplin and  was humbled by the destruction that I saw. Then fear came over me when we stopped there to rest and heard that there were sighted tornados, again in the same area. Couldn’t sleep with the winds shaking the car. Plus the brigands had to be looked out for. Every semi that passed my husband’s truck would almost push it over off the road. There were so many times that he almost lost control of that damn truck that I called upon every divine deity I could think of. By the third day I began to suffer with motion sickness and sleep deprivation. Next I began to take 5 hour energy drinks to keep me awake. BIG MISTAKE, HUGE!  I couldn’t fall sleep but I was too tired to drive. A vicious cycle began; I was cussing up a storm with my daughter in the car (I don’t usually do that).  Anger engulfed my every emotion and I even began to hear voices every time that I spoke with my husband on the walkie-talkie. I would ask him when the next rest stop would be and he would respond “not far” that’s when I would hear a woman’s voice say “you wish”. It freaked me the Phuck out! I didn’t know that I had overdosed on the caffeine. I didn’t know you could do that.

So after almost running the car off the side of a cliff in the mountains with my daughter in the car, my husband decided to force me to drink some Nyquil , it took two hours for it to finally knock me the PHUCK out! But when it did I was able to sleep for 8 hours at the rest stop. I never slept so hard before in my life.

By this point we were approximately 3 hour away. But my motion sickness was so severer that it took us an extra day to drive that far to our new home. Not to mention that the car that I was driving got a flat tire and had us  stopping for an extra 2 hours along the way.

My family was so nervous for us, because every time they would call the trip seemed to take longer than it was supposed to. As far as the motion sickness it didn’t go away for about a week after we arrived here in AZ.

There’s more…

When we got here to our new address the water was off and the temperature was 107 and a person from Michigan, not accustomed to that kind of heat I was dying. I had to take whore baths in the shower. Had to wash the kids that way too. My husband who had to go to work the very next day was so inconvenienced to have to go to the store to buy 5 gallon water jugs so he could wash as well. We bought a water dispenser with a hot water option so the hubs could shave in the morning.

So the water comes on and we find out, that my Godmother and uncle are on their way to stay with us (for a week), since they are on vacation . Since we had to sell everything to get down here, we didn’t have a couch for them to sleep on.  So we loaded up the car with my two kids and husband and I to go to Costco to buy a inflatable mattress. As we are going there I smell smoke and I didn’t think anything of it since there was the largest fire in AZ state history happening at that moment. Well after we got some extra food and the mattress.  We head for home my Godmother and uncle were literally 30 minutes away.  There began to be a strong smell of smoke in the car. That’s when the car began to fill with smoke and the floor board by my feet a huge fire ball was at my feat. Wait I didn’t say that correctly, A HUGE FIRE BALL SHOT UP FROM THE FLOOR BOARD!!! Heavens to murgatroyd, Here is the video of my car on fire enjoy!

Just so that you know, I didn’t let this get me down. I literally thought “hey no big deal”. This could have happened on the trip hear and my daughter and I could have perished… BTW NO INSURANCE so it’s not like I got a new car. I’m not proud of it, but when you don’t have money to take care of your family you don’t usually spend it on the chance in a million that your car will catch on fire.

So if you are a regular you know that this could have only happened to me and my family. Everyone got out safely and that is all that’s important.  But if you read this Blog on a regular basis then you know there has to be more CRAP on the way .So we are now left with a car with no air conditioning and was on its last legs when we got out here. So far I have had to learn how to change the breaks myself to save some money (I found videos on youtube to learn), saved approximately $400 on doing the job myself :-).

Now this is the part that broke the camels back. After my family left, my little family decided to go for a dip in the near by pool. It’s a 111 degrees out and we didn’t want to be inside. So as I jump into the pool, I BREAK MY LEFT INDEX FINGER!!! SCREAMING WHAT THE PHUCK!!! But that was the extent of the anger. At this point in my life I’m just accepting that my life sucks BALLS (not even smooth one prickly ones)   Also since we had gotten here to Arizona my children began to act out. Arguing with each other even when playing games they would bicker. What was going on?

I began to remember something that a reader told me, that I may have a psychic attacker trying to deliver some lower energy my way. So that is when I got pissed and had had enough. I went through all my books looking for a spell to block this lower energy. But everything that I was doing didn’t completely feel like it was addressing the problem. I decided to use a set of my Archangel oracle cards (by Doreen Virtue) so I gave myself a reading. As I have said before was raised Catholic, and I still use all of what I’ve learned to the betterment of my life. I gave myself a reading and since I had such a great result using Archangel Chamuel I thought that maybe there was another angel I could call upon. I went to Barns and Noble and looked for an angel book and once again I found Doreen Virtue, she has a book called The  Angel Therapy Handbook. (I only have the book) I began to read it and do the exercises and when I did one that required me to think of a spirit guide who is in my life influencing me and guiding me the name of Samael Came to my thoughts. I thought the name must have been wrong because I was looking to hear an angelic type of name. Well after I did this exercise I read in the book, regarding Samael, I thought to myself what a coincidence, that’s the name of my spirit guide. Apparently that is another name for Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, the devil.  Motherphucker are you crapping me? So not only am I being attacked by a lower energy it’s the Phucking devil who’s doing it? Well I couldn’t stop reading the book. This book

showed me how to block again lower energies effectively and how to incorporate Angels into my life.

From that day on I must say that my life has changed completely. Literally I just asked Archangel Michael and my personal guardian angels to protect me and my family (family must also ask for their own protection since it goes against their will, if they do not want protecting).  From that point on I felt the difference in the way my homes energy felt. Even my children who are normally well-behaved children became better. As I read the book I told them what I found and they themselves noticed the difference of how they were behaving.

I know that when I spoke to a few people they began to tell me that it sounded like witchcraft to them, and I would imagine that to Christians that it would be, calling upon anything other than God would be, plus this book incorporate things that are not normally associated with the Christian religion, meditation, energies, chakras, reiki, tarot cards, manifesting,  and knowing that we are all part of God and Goddess also we should know how to use that part of ourselves to influence our lives with the power we are given. I LOVE THIS BOOK. I think any Pagan or Wiccan will get a lot out of this book. Because it’s not just for Christians, it’s for everyone. The author doesn’t mention the Goddess but she doesn’t need to it’s for you to fill in the blanks of who your higher deity is. I hope you all get the book. It’s been such a help for me.

Now I’m off to give myself a reading for what I need to do today, and this week.

Bright Blessings and may God, Goddess, and your Angels be with you.


Working on my life inside and out

Posted in Affirmations, Faith, Feeling good, God and Goddess Worship, magic, manifestation, Religion, Uncategorized, Weight loss with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 14, 2011 by The Witches Cupboard

How many times have you thought about how you would love to be a better person, but only to give up when your favorite show comes on, or as soon as someone chimes in with the dreaded words like “you can’t do it””how do you plan to do that” “your always trying”. I have always been one of those people who (more times then I would like to admit )have wavered in my plans to better myself. There are so many people that have done it, their books line the shelves of books stores, and their tv shows are all over the place. I have bought their books and have sat in front of my tv for hours watching how they did it. I’ve thought “wow that’s great for them” so I make a plan to try and I start changing my life and as soon as I begin, I allow the smallest things to derail my energy. Now  some things are HUGE like loosing a job or family drama (death). But now I am going to make it a point that NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS I WILL STAY ON TRACK! I have to.

So now I’m going into attack mode. I will begin this journey here with you. What am I saying here… I’m saying I’m 5’4″ tall and I’m 37 years old, 195 LBS (holy shit) Not  good odds. I just found out that I have high colesterol (I’m not cool with that). I don’t have diabetes (thank God/dess). But that’s where I’m headed, several family members have it in my family. I will not be one of them. I am tired of looking in the mirror and seeing an attractive woman with a weight problem, low self esteem, stressed at times,  laziness, weakness,  and trapped in my own cage of self doubt. Fuck this bull I am making a change. Here is what I am starting with. THIS IS NOT ME!!! But I have this body, just change the face.

I want this so bad. I know that I can balance my life. Here is what I am doing.

1. I am saying affirmations every time I pass a mirror.  (looking good, feeling good, thinking good)

2. I downloaded to my iphone an app that’s called stop sabotage  (subliminal Messages to stop myself from sabotaging my goals in life, I tend to do that)

3. I’m doing yoga with this DVD call Yoga & Pilates with Louise Solomon 45 min so far (It’s ok, I have yet to find my groove in this one) If I can find another, or one of you has a better Yoga DVD to suggest then I will try it.

4. FREE DANCE I use my Latina roots to Salsa and Merengue  to dance my ass fat away + some Cristina Aguilera I think anything that you can dance to for 1 1/2 hours will do.

5. While the kids are eating their dinner, I do squats, side bends, lunges and walk in place.

6. I do push ups. I do a set of 15 once in the morning, another set of 15 for lunch, and the last set of 15 before bed

7. Sex whenever I want. I don’t have the body I want. However it feels good and I can burn off 300-600 calories per hour. So that’s a good means of exercise to get me to the body I want to be at.

8. Reading a  book called The Witch of Portobello By. Paulo Coelho. What does this do? It has me relax and destress. All part of the Mind shape up.

9. WATER H2O AGUA EAU  UISGE you get the point.

10. I am rocking the Secret

11. Food is Fuel.  So far I have had only fruits and veggies. I have not made a decision as to what I am eating yet. But I didn’t want to cook so I stuck with Fresh pineapple, Salad (it had about 1 TBL of ranch dressing) I’m not a Saint. Plus I made a Zucchini Bread for tomorrow. Here’s the ingredients it’s the healthiest I could find as of today.

12. I found this prayer and it makes me feel good to have the Goddess on the same page

Weight Loss Spell – Venus Evocation

Goddess of Beauty,
Goddess of women,
Goddess of love,
I evoke your power
to aid me,
to make me strong,
to fill me with your power
to help me in my purpose
to be the best
that I can be.

Goddess of Beauty,
Goddess of women,
Godess of love,
I evoke your power
to heal me,
to cleanse me,
to charge me
with life
and love of life.

Goddess of Beauty
Goddess of Women,
Goddess of Love,
I call you
into my life
to stand beside me
to protect me
to guide me
towards beauty,
and love.

Look into the candle flame and see yourself in the future, of the right age, BEING HAPPY and ALIVE (which is MUCH more important than “being thin”!).

When you are ready, blow out the candle.

Here comes the real magic.

Anytime before you eat (and where you can), light a candle to Venus before you start.

A lot of people eat a lot of stuff and they don’t get fat – it’s a mystery, really.

Let the power of Venus transform your whole eating experience.

When you’re done, leave a small morsel as a token offering and blow out the candle.

When you are in a place where you cannot light a candle, imagine one so strongly in your mind that you can nearly see it right there on the table in front of you and act just the same, quietly inside.

Should you feel it wearing off after a week or so, do the ORIGINAL full on evocation with the prayer above again to strengthen it even more. This is by Star Fire

So this was my day today. I started at a bit of a run instead of a walk. I usually start off hard and quit. But not this time I’m going to work hard all the way through. I have too much to gain by loosing the weight and feeling good with no stresses, and clear minded.

So this is where I’m at.  I’ll be posting update just look for the P.S. and you will see lbs lost,  new reading material or dramatic picture change or inches lost.

Be Blessed

Luna Noir TWC