Archive for bitch


Posted in Affirmations, Angels, Archangels, Arizona, Chamuel, children, Faith, Feeling good, God and Goddess Worship, help, home, job, Life, Life, magic, manifestation, New Age, Religion, Spirit guides, tarot, travel, Uncategorized, Wavering with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 25, 2011 by The Witches Cupboard

The worst drive to my new life in Arizona.

This is was the worst drive to get out here to Arizona. I didn’t get in to details about it since the last post was regarding overcoming the horrible economic times in my life. But truly the trip was horrible. First we left 2 days  late

  1. The house we had been renting didn’t fix an issue with the bath tub (the tub liner filled with water making your footing in the shower feel like you were on a waterbed), which I slipped in twice.
  2.   When we we’re suppose to leave I was in so much pain, I went to the doctors to make sure that I hadn’t broken my shoulder. (It wasn’t but there may be some tendon damage).

Once we got on the road, My daughter and I followed my husband and son while they drove in the moving truck (that was also pulling our mini van on a trailer) (which fished tailed ALL THE WAY THERE!) in the first 3 hours my husbands moving truck  trailer blew a tire. They almost lost control of the entire truck and load. From this point I began to be so nervous that I was unable to keep myself from shaking.  When we stopped at rest stops I was so paranoid that we would be ambushed by brigands that I couldn’t sleep (my focus was on making sure we were all safe). So when I would take, literally a 15 minute nap. I would wake up and then, I would drug myself with caffeine (mountain dew was my bitch on this trip), and then when that began to fail I pulled out the no-dose, this went on through every state. We passed through Joplin and  was humbled by the destruction that I saw. Then fear came over me when we stopped there to rest and heard that there were sighted tornados, again in the same area. Couldn’t sleep with the winds shaking the car. Plus the brigands had to be looked out for. Every semi that passed my husband’s truck would almost push it over off the road. There were so many times that he almost lost control of that damn truck that I called upon every divine deity I could think of. By the third day I began to suffer with motion sickness and sleep deprivation. Next I began to take 5 hour energy drinks to keep me awake. BIG MISTAKE, HUGE!  I couldn’t fall sleep but I was too tired to drive. A vicious cycle began; I was cussing up a storm with my daughter in the car (I don’t usually do that).  Anger engulfed my every emotion and I even began to hear voices every time that I spoke with my husband on the walkie-talkie. I would ask him when the next rest stop would be and he would respond “not far” that’s when I would hear a woman’s voice say “you wish”. It freaked me the Phuck out! I didn’t know that I had overdosed on the caffeine. I didn’t know you could do that.

So after almost running the car off the side of a cliff in the mountains with my daughter in the car, my husband decided to force me to drink some Nyquil , it took two hours for it to finally knock me the PHUCK out! But when it did I was able to sleep for 8 hours at the rest stop. I never slept so hard before in my life.

By this point we were approximately 3 hour away. But my motion sickness was so severer that it took us an extra day to drive that far to our new home. Not to mention that the car that I was driving got a flat tire and had us  stopping for an extra 2 hours along the way.

My family was so nervous for us, because every time they would call the trip seemed to take longer than it was supposed to. As far as the motion sickness it didn’t go away for about a week after we arrived here in AZ.

There’s more…

When we got here to our new address the water was off and the temperature was 107 and a person from Michigan, not accustomed to that kind of heat I was dying. I had to take whore baths in the shower. Had to wash the kids that way too. My husband who had to go to work the very next day was so inconvenienced to have to go to the store to buy 5 gallon water jugs so he could wash as well. We bought a water dispenser with a hot water option so the hubs could shave in the morning.

So the water comes on and we find out, that my Godmother and uncle are on their way to stay with us (for a week), since they are on vacation . Since we had to sell everything to get down here, we didn’t have a couch for them to sleep on.  So we loaded up the car with my two kids and husband and I to go to Costco to buy a inflatable mattress. As we are going there I smell smoke and I didn’t think anything of it since there was the largest fire in AZ state history happening at that moment. Well after we got some extra food and the mattress.  We head for home my Godmother and uncle were literally 30 minutes away.  There began to be a strong smell of smoke in the car. That’s when the car began to fill with smoke and the floor board by my feet a huge fire ball was at my feat. Wait I didn’t say that correctly, A HUGE FIRE BALL SHOT UP FROM THE FLOOR BOARD!!! Heavens to murgatroyd, Here is the video of my car on fire enjoy!

Just so that you know, I didn’t let this get me down. I literally thought “hey no big deal”. This could have happened on the trip hear and my daughter and I could have perished… BTW NO INSURANCE so it’s not like I got a new car. I’m not proud of it, but when you don’t have money to take care of your family you don’t usually spend it on the chance in a million that your car will catch on fire.

So if you are a regular you know that this could have only happened to me and my family. Everyone got out safely and that is all that’s important.  But if you read this Blog on a regular basis then you know there has to be more CRAP on the way .So we are now left with a car with no air conditioning and was on its last legs when we got out here. So far I have had to learn how to change the breaks myself to save some money (I found videos on youtube to learn), saved approximately $400 on doing the job myself :-).

Now this is the part that broke the camels back. After my family left, my little family decided to go for a dip in the near by pool. It’s a 111 degrees out and we didn’t want to be inside. So as I jump into the pool, I BREAK MY LEFT INDEX FINGER!!! SCREAMING WHAT THE PHUCK!!! But that was the extent of the anger. At this point in my life I’m just accepting that my life sucks BALLS (not even smooth one prickly ones)   Also since we had gotten here to Arizona my children began to act out. Arguing with each other even when playing games they would bicker. What was going on?

I began to remember something that a reader told me, that I may have a psychic attacker trying to deliver some lower energy my way. So that is when I got pissed and had had enough. I went through all my books looking for a spell to block this lower energy. But everything that I was doing didn’t completely feel like it was addressing the problem. I decided to use a set of my Archangel oracle cards (by Doreen Virtue) so I gave myself a reading. As I have said before was raised Catholic, and I still use all of what I’ve learned to the betterment of my life. I gave myself a reading and since I had such a great result using Archangel Chamuel I thought that maybe there was another angel I could call upon. I went to Barns and Noble and looked for an angel book and once again I found Doreen Virtue, she has a book called The  Angel Therapy Handbook. (I only have the book) I began to read it and do the exercises and when I did one that required me to think of a spirit guide who is in my life influencing me and guiding me the name of Samael Came to my thoughts. I thought the name must have been wrong because I was looking to hear an angelic type of name. Well after I did this exercise I read in the book, regarding Samael, I thought to myself what a coincidence, that’s the name of my spirit guide. Apparently that is another name for Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub, the devil.  Motherphucker are you crapping me? So not only am I being attacked by a lower energy it’s the Phucking devil who’s doing it? Well I couldn’t stop reading the book. This book

showed me how to block again lower energies effectively and how to incorporate Angels into my life.

From that day on I must say that my life has changed completely. Literally I just asked Archangel Michael and my personal guardian angels to protect me and my family (family must also ask for their own protection since it goes against their will, if they do not want protecting).  From that point on I felt the difference in the way my homes energy felt. Even my children who are normally well-behaved children became better. As I read the book I told them what I found and they themselves noticed the difference of how they were behaving.

I know that when I spoke to a few people they began to tell me that it sounded like witchcraft to them, and I would imagine that to Christians that it would be, calling upon anything other than God would be, plus this book incorporate things that are not normally associated with the Christian religion, meditation, energies, chakras, reiki, tarot cards, manifesting,  and knowing that we are all part of God and Goddess also we should know how to use that part of ourselves to influence our lives with the power we are given. I LOVE THIS BOOK. I think any Pagan or Wiccan will get a lot out of this book. Because it’s not just for Christians, it’s for everyone. The author doesn’t mention the Goddess but she doesn’t need to it’s for you to fill in the blanks of who your higher deity is. I hope you all get the book. It’s been such a help for me.

Now I’m off to give myself a reading for what I need to do today, and this week.

Bright Blessings and may God, Goddess, and your Angels be with you.
