Archive for the manifestation Category

Summer Solstice In Maui

Posted in 2019, Affirmations, Energy, excitement, Faith, Feeling good, Good energy, Life, Love, luck, magic, Magick, manifestation, Maui, New Age, Religion, Spells, Uncategorized, Witch, Witchcraft with tags , , , , on June 24, 2019 by The Witches Cupboard

This year was a very thoughtful celebration of the growth and thankfulness I have in my life. This does not mean that I have everything in my life flowing in the way that I would like. Not even close. But I expect the appreciation of what’s to come. I have a renewed faith for no other reason, then I will it to be so. I feel my powers growing now more then I have ever felt in my life.

Like many people have done this year. I make a sweet confection. Mine was a delicious pineapple upside down cake. I made sure to stir it with the intention of thankfulness and gratitude. Infused it with the power of the sun. That everything that serves my life will come, as the sun comes up every day. Each egg that went into the cake, was looked as a vision of the sun and its power. All the pineapple rounds also representing the sun and the sweet bounty it brings. I did add cherries, which were the core of the sun. That represents my belief in my power that is the strength that creates all my desires to come true.

We also had steak. That my husband bar B-Q’d. Cooking with fire also brings power to any meal. I’ll be honest my husband infuses all his meals with love. So that is his kind of magic. Not sure if he sees it that way. But everyone who eats at are home feels it.

We lit a yellow candle, which we all said a prayer and a wish into. Even our youngest son who asked for a Judy Hopp ZPD character. We usually ask for help with love, finances, or perhaps help for each other, and our planet.

These days have been wonderful and enlightening. It’s been so long that we all have been able to use our powers. But this time we could all see and feel a change.

Brightest Blessings

Luna Noir

Making Moon Water

Posted in 2019, Energy, God and Goddess Worship, Good energy, Life, Love, luck, magic, Magick, manifestation, Moon Water, New Age, Spells, Uncategorized, Witch, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 20, 2019 by The Witches Cupboard

This Strawberry Moon I made moon water! It’s so simple and so very powerful. Now what you will need is

  1. Jar with lid
  2. Water
  3. Crystals
  4. Safe place to put your jar outside

I like to bless my water in front of the Full Moon. I like to surround my jar with crystals that complement my desires for the water to absorb. So if I want peace and calm then I would use amethyst. If my focus was Love, then I would use rose quarts. I use incense to also bless the water. I always tell my water that I thank and love her. I say a prayer to the moon and leave the closed jar outside to absorb the glorious power of the moon.

It’s that simple! I will then place the water in the fridge. I will drink small amount of the water daily. I can also pour some into a bowl and make Holy water to bless myself each day, or cleanse my home. The last bit will be used for my ritual shower or bath, where I bless my entire body with it. It’s very versatile.

I hope you try to make this and enjoy it as much as I do.


Luna Noir

Waxing Moon Spell Continuation

Posted in 2019, Affirmations, bad credit, children, credit score, Faith, Gaia, God and Goddess Worship, Good energy, help, hopelessness, job, Life, luck, magic, Magick, manifestation, New moon spells, Religion, son, Spells, stress, Struggling,, Uncategorized, Witch, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 5, 2019 by The Witches Cupboard
Timing of the Waxing Moon

So I needed to make sure that I had the timing done right before I just did the spell to get it out there for people to check out. I needed to make sure that the first part of the spell was done on the New Moon (Black Moon) and the second phase was done on the Waxing Moon (Whist the Moon is growing). So tonight, as a matter of fact about an hour ago I lit my candle, after having blessed it with Palo Santo (very sacred wood), then I anointed the candle with Frankincense and Myrrh oil and resin. I sprinkled some Amber powder (for prosperity and protection), I added saffron 5 buds, for each member of my family (for wealth), honey (for health, wealth, happiness, the sweet life), and a naturally fallen spider (for weaving the magic spell that I need in my life).
I said prayers that personally resonated with me and my family. Lit the candle and now I will leave it to burn, until it is done. If it goes out before all the wax is melted, then I will bury the candle and wait to see what happens.

The ashes from the first spell get sent down the toilette where all negative thing belong. Far and away from my family and I.
I will tell you when the spell has made it’s mark and has done everything that I need it to do.
This way if you want to try it after a testimonial, then you will have one. I have done spells with less fanfare and have gotten seriously amazing results. But I will admit that when I moved here to Maui that I feel like I lost my mojo. I know that I was getting a lot of negative energy from family and people who know me from school (Facebook), and everything that my husband I had planned just started to fall apart. There were so many issues happening all at once that I knew it was a deliberate attack.
So now, that it’s a struggle to live scenario, I had to snap out of it and catalog what I am doing to get out of this steaming pile.

I’m starting to feel like I need to get moving physically as well. I know living here being a bigger woman, sometimes doesn’t help you get the jobs you want. I know that I should have gotten jobs in the hospitality industry, but I have the phone interview and then I get to the face to face, and then NO CALL BACKS! I’m a pro at interviews. I can sell myself into anything, but there is a certain aesthetic that companies want in their Hotel employees especially in paradise. Anyway, no more about my crap. All I know is that life is about to get better. You will see me thrive in a hot minute. I say hot, because I think it won’t be pleasant, but I won’t allow my family to suffer this kind of life anymore. We came out here for a better life and damn it if I’m not going to use all my powers to get it.

Blessings to you all

Luna Noir

Continuation, THE SPELL

Posted in 2019, Affirmations, angry, bad credit, child, children, credit score, dead, Energy, Faith, God and Goddess Worship, help, home, hopelessness, job, Life, Love, luck, magic, Magick, manifestation, Religion, shitshow, Spells, stress, Struggling,, Uncategorized, Witch, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 4, 2019 by The Witches Cupboard

Ok, so it’s been a few days, and I have had one hell of a time. My husband and I spoke about divorce, if we wanted to keep going on (ironic that our anniversary is June 3rd, going to be 24 years of marriage) with the marriage. We still want to and love each other. My husband got into a car accident 5 feet from the house. The POS car we do have had no damage, but it completely wrecked the other guys car. The car hot my husband from behind. My husband shrugged it off and told the guy that he would press charges or sue, because he was fine, and the guys car looked like it took all the damage, so there. Creditors are sending letters and we still need a car that I can actually drive. Because te one we have thought it can take a hit. It’s not safe for our young son to drive in.

So, since the last post, I have been making preparations for my spell tonight for the New Moon. I want to shed my old life patterns. So I have collected skin from my body. How you may ask? By doing a foot skin peel. You may have seen it on Facebook or YouTube, a product that you put on after you get out of the shower and you place these bags on your feet, then after 3-7 days your skin starts to peel off in a crazy amount. Well, I figured that I would utilize this byproduct to change my direction in life. If I’m literally walking in a path that no longer serves my better good, then the use of this old removed skin should help manifest a different direction in life. So I will pull out my cauldron, light a charcoal disk, take my skin and burn it with the visual intentions of burning away the old path. I will then take one of the lizard tails that I have, and burn that in the cauldron as a sacrifice from nature, to give me a second chances to have wealth, and good health in my life. I will use fingernails as a symbol of clawing my way out of all the debt, sadness, fear, instability, and daunting feelings. These things will be burned away in my life and for the lives of my family.

Then the next day I will take a white candle, crush a bumble bee, and a spider in my mortar and pestle, then mix with honey, and pour this onto a white candle. Each member of the family will say an incantation or prayer for what they want for themselves, the family, into the candle. This is done so the sweet life can have a beacon to know where this new delicious life needs to come to and to whom. This will help us all with every aspect of our lives.

I will post as things begin to change for us. The outcome should be all good. I would ask that you come back to see if this spell is right for you before you go out to find these already dead animals.

** Warning!!! Remember, if you kill an animal, the spell will not work in your favor. You have to find the critters, they must have lived out their life with no interference from you.

Bright Blessings

Luna Noir

When I’m down, how to raise the cone of power to get you UP?!

Posted in 2019, bad credit, credit score, Energy, Faith, help, home, hopelessness, job, Life, luck, magic, Magick, manifestation, Religion, shitshow, Spells, stress, Struggling,, unborn, Uncategorized, Witch, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , on May 29, 2019 by The Witches Cupboard

I have always wanted to write a blog when I’m feeling my most miserable. Well Ladies and Gents, I’m here! Okay, some may know that I have had some of the worst life experiences here in this blog and in my podcast. One of the reasons I felt I needed to stop doing it all. Because I felt like maybe my energy to help people through my podcast and blog were beginning to be a curse of sorts. You’ve heard my anguish at the loss of my child during pregnancy, and having found out that my husband was unfaithful. After I battled to forgive and heal from those things and lifes other trials and tribulations, I thought that I would be for sure on the upswing.

Moved to Hawaii (with my still husband), and our three children, also our three fur babies. The move was a complete success! But since we have been here, it’s turned into one fuckfest after another. We knew it was expensive. So that’s not the problem. I’m accustomed to being broke AF. However, it does seem that this is a completely knew type of broke, like I have my husband, the two oldest kids working, and when I get work I’m also bring in what I can. My youngest son has been evaluated as being Autistic. Now I can and will admit that he has shown signs of it, but I don’t exactly believe he is. His older sister had many of the same attributes and literally grew out of it all. So me working full time is not in the cards at the moment. Also because he is so far behind in his development in academics my husband wants me to home school. This way he is getting complete and full attention to all the areas of study that he doesn’t get at school. The school he has been going to is amazing. However it’s nowhere near as good as the schools on the mainland. These are just a few of the things wrong. But since we have moved here, we have been trying to pay down our debt, and because for whatever reason, we have just been drowning trying to catch up. A car got repossessed, and that hurt my husbands credit, and because I haven’t been able to bring in as much money as I have been able to in the past, my credit has gone to shit. I am on the upswing, but not in enough time for me to have gotten into another car. We were going to buy a car from the dealer $9,000 with $1,000 down, everything looked good until my recruiters (I use them as job hunters for me) said that I no longer work for them. I still do, it’s just as a contractor. But, instead of saying this they said I didn’t. SO that made me look like I wasn’t being honest. I do have my own business, doing card readings, life coach (I seem to be able to help others better than myself at this point). But that taxable income for some reason doesn’t fucking count. I literally had just finished a few jobs that would more than gotten me to qualify to get into a car, but they won’t count that income. So I had the car in my possession for a month and 10 days. So after 40 days they said that I have to give the car back because they can’t find a bank that will cover the loan for me. That and they don’t want to give me back my deposit of a $1,000. which I had pawned jewelry to get the deposit for. So no car, no way to pick up my son from school. My husband is trying to find us a car in the next few hours. If not, I will be walking to get my son. I’m still recovering from a fall in the last 8 months. It does take a toll on me. But as you can see, this is a bit much, also not to mention that I have been having depression for the last year or so because of my health. I got here and basically I have some breathing issues, where if I have any foods that are sweet, or starchy, I cough, until I throw up. It’s like my lungs just fill with mucus. Paradise. Plus one more thing, it seems me pushing all my feelings down, do to my husbands indiscretions has caught up with my ass. OK! I think I’ve put everything down on the table. I’m stressed the fuck out. So now I have to get out of all this shit and use my magic powers to fix it. I have been trying to pray my way out, and nothing. Some things get fixed while other things get worse. Now I have to actually put some thought into a spell that will get me out of all this shit, and hopefully do it before we lose our ability to house ourselves.

When you write down most of everything that’s happening to you and you see it there, you don’t wonder why you stopped writing in the first place. To be honest this isn’t even everything, now that I have reread everything. I also miscarried twins. I guess Goddess saw the shitshow my life was becoming and figured two more would just be crewel.

Now to the magic part.
I have a couple of lizard tails, bumble bees, two full lizards one is a skeleton, the other is dried, also a green baby finch that is in salt. I need to use one of these things to fix my problems. But still not sure what to do.

I can see that I will be taking in some St. John’s Wort, also trying to see if sex magic works. When you’re depressed not sure how to get it going… also going to see if some meditation on the beach works. I might record the last one on the beach and upload to my YouTube page if I do, The audio always sucks at the beach, but I have to try to get this negative energy out somehow.

I just had a thought. That sometimes people read these types of blogs and they may not be able to cope. So I added this link. This may help.

I think I will also record the spell with the lizard, or bumble bee, we’ll see how this entire thing pans out.

Blessings to you all

Life isn’t always easy, but magic can help. Lets see how long before my life begins to change for the better.

Luna Noir

Living With Real Magic

Posted in 2019, Affirmations, children, Energy, episode, Faith, Good energy, help, home, magic, Magick, manifestation, Religion, Spells, tarot, travel, Uncategorized, Witch, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 12, 2019 by The Witches Cupboard

So for those who have followed my journey. or are just starting to read or listen (not even sure if the podcast is still up). I have come a long way baby! I started my Witchy life deep in the hood of Detroit. Casting spells for better jobs, more money, new life, happy family, protection……. To moving to better and better places where I have gotten everything. I’ve moved quite a few places to get to where I am now (Maui Hawaii). It has not been an easy road. But it has been a very magically calculated road. I know many of you already know how to create vision boards, say daily affirmations, or meditations. But maybe you lack the missing piece that so many people don’t do at all. Have faith, trust, unwavering focus. If there is something you want you have to do these things. You need to go to bed knowing that everything that’s on your vision board is already yours. That you can close your eye and feel without a shadow of a doubt that you already have all your bills paid, even when you don’t know where or when the money is coming. You have to believe not only that it’s already yours, but that the money will be there when the time to pay everything is due (if not before). Now this isn’t like the secret (which I still use) where you just think about it and forget it. You do have to actually put some energy towards the things you want. I’ve raised the cone of power during full moons, I’ve used blood magic, and I’ve looked for jobs, and taken opportunities that I wasn’t comfortable with. Yes you have to make active moves to make some shit happen. I never wanted to move out of Michigan. My reasons were because of my family. I didn’t want to leave them. But if I hadn’t, I would not have been able to move my kids to better safer places to live. My family is content with living where they feel comfortable. They don’t want to change. They don’t think that they can do better. They don’t think that at their age they can make upgrades to life. But I had to get uncomfortable for me to feel more comfortable at home, walking in my neighborhood, or have better opportunities for employment. I had to move and feel aches and pains in my stomach, and then get use to that feeling, in order to make another step. Then get myself feeling those same butterflies that felt like disease eating away at my insides. After this began to happen more and more, I would offer those stresses and feelings to Goddess (God, Universe or whatever you connect with). This was a reoccurring thing in my life. I saw the pattern, and when I thought that I was going to try something different, sometime I would stagnate for a while, until I would remembered what worked for me. There is a rhythm to everything, that your kind of magic will show you after a while. I did notice that I felt the need to offer more and more things to Goddess, and while I waited to see what she made with those offerings, I KEPT FAITH! In the documentary the Secret there is this part that tells you that once you set and put forth an intention, you need to keep positive, and do not give up. That it’s like planting grass. You put the seed in the dirt, you cover it and then you water it. You don’t see what’s happening beneath the earth, but you know that you are doing everything you need to do to make this grow and happen. If you give up, you might be just a day away from seeing the sprouts of grass breaking through. If you give up and stop tending to the intentions you set, and if  you struggle and doubt the grass stops it’s growth, and you won’t see the prize you’ve worked so hard for. Having faith, will have you see the things you want grow. Be patient and you will see results.

You know it took 12 hard ass years to move to Maui? We wrote about it, talked about it, and wished about it. But we also gave up many times too. But once we saw the writing on the wall, we dug in our heals and started making every move, a move towards our dream of getting to Maui. Now some of you may think, you must have saved so much money to get there. Nope! The plane landed and we had $345.00. We didn’t even know if the house we were renting was a real listing, we signed a lease sent payments, checked the agency, but we’ve all heard of people who get screwed out of money. So we were nervous. Not to mention we had never set foot on the island until the day we got here. We did a facetime tour with a realtor, and the day we were flying out she was fired from her job. We were told get the key from under the frog at the front door. We prayed there was a frog, let alone an actual house for us to stay in. We had sent all of our belongings ahead, beds cars, cats, EVERYTHING!  With all this stress in play, we were and have been paycheck to paycheck. Can you imagine the stress? Can you see what I mean when I say that you need to have faith, focus, to make what you want happen?

So we’re here and this stress is a constant. Shit is expensive here! We knew this when we chose to move here. The safety our children have here, and the natural beauty, has been worth it.  So every day,  unless you are rich you live like we do. We have been here for three years. we are working hard to stay. Maui isn’t everything I thought it would be (for me especially) I still find it hard for me on a personal level. Like everyone in my family loves it here. I’m still on the fence. But I know that I wanted to be here and everything I did to get here can’t be for nothing. I did tarot, pendulums, and spirit guided connections that all told me to come here. So I’m making every effort to get my shit together and find my bliss here.  I will admit. My powers have been very weak for the first two years. It was a mother fuckers to get my focus on here. But I haven’t given up. If you want to know why I hadn’t kept up with my blog or podcast this is the reason why. Being on a island surrounded by water through my shit for a loop, plus all the other factors that I have just explained hasn’t helped. I thought that it was going to be easier for me to create and manifest here, but it has been a challenge. But I got my sea legs now and nothing is stopping me. Will I start the podcast again? Maybe. But if I do. It’s going to be as close to a live show as possible. Editing and trying to cut out my vocal fry’s and “ums,” will just have to be part of the show. I want to be of service to others, but I do have to put my husband and kids first. I also have thought of another channel (talk about that later). So for this week I am saying, keep strong, stay focused, make a vision board, burn some incense, hold on to your crystals, do whatever you know works for you, and don’t give up on it. The grass maybe just about to sprout right under your feet!

Blessing and So mote it be for your dreams


2017 Protection Spells

Posted in 2017, Affirmations, Angels, Archangels, Energy, episode, excitement, Faith, Feeling good, God and Goddess Worship, Good energy, help, Holliday, home, job, Life, Life, Love, luck, magic, Magick, manifestation, New Age, New Year, possessed, Religion, Spells, Spirit guides, travel, Uncategorized, Witch, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 5, 2017 by The Witches Cupboard

Ok I know that I have been gone for so long many are still with me some have gone, and I don’t blame you if you left. But this year I am starting a bit differently. I will be posting to YouTube and Facebook, Instagram, and for if I can I will be doing another Podcast I truly kinda don’t want to do a podcast if I’m doing all this other stuff. But I guess I don’t have to do all of them every day. I would just like to be consistent, and still be able to raise my kids work and maybe squeeze in some me time. It’s one thing if this was a job and I made money from it but since it doesn’t I do have to be realistic.

So was that too long of a title? LOL Here are a few of the spells that I have been doing for the new year. Just so you know they are very easy and you can make this as hard as you want or as easy. You can use as many herbs as you want or just water and salt. Magic doesn’t have to be a huge drama. But whatever you are comfortable with, then that’s what you should do. Remember that magic feeds off of your energy and if you are feeling like this a pain in the ass then your result will SUCK!

So again here are a few of the spells. Take some sage, St. John the Conqueror powder, white sage and any other magical items that you may find in your cupboard that is for removing negativity, hexes, and evil spirits. I even use herbs that help to promote happiness, love, sexual desire, money, and relaxation. Like lavender (for relaxation), Rose petals, and Jasmine flowers for love and sexual healing and stimulation. For money Basil in the form of oil, Frankincense, and Nutmeg. I almost forgot for meditation, spirituality and visions I use spices and oils for that as well, like Sandalwood, Nag Champa and some Vervain. I may have added a pink of Salt to this as well. I put all the spices and oils in a container, bless them and then set them on a hot coal to smoke. I walk around my home, every room of the house and I think of all the things that I want to attract into the home and all the things that must leave my home. I usually keep all the doors open and the windows so that the good can come in and all that negative can leave. I also bless some water. Add salt to the water and pray over it. Asking that the Goddess bless the water and repel any and all negativity. I know I double up on that one. If you have followed my life and know my relationship with my sister you wouldn’t wonder why. Sprinkle the water in every room, even the bathroom. If there is any water left pour a line at every door entryway. If you believe in Angels then ask Archangel Michael to stand guard outside your door. If not then find your deity to stand guard. Remember that angels are non denominational so you can command then to do your bidding. Don’t be a dick about it but firmly suggest that they help you.

For the new year everyone makes resolutions, and I’ll be honest, I haven’t succeeded in one of those in a while, however I am pretty good at vision boards. The things I place on a vision board is like betting on a sure thing. We moved to Maui with my vision board. I’ll talk about that on my YouTube channel Luna Noir (still getting that up as I write this may take a minute to upload video)  and post on my facebook page which should also post to my Twitter, Instagram. Too much to write here.

Print off sigils look them up and trace them, stitch them into a pillow or a cloth, use your hands, or make sigils out of clay, the more you apply your energy the better it is for you. MEDITATE, meditate, hell daydream! Get your higher self involved however you can.

I hope this helps anyone who is trying to have a better new year. Remember, if you don’t believe in magic then why are you here, and what do you think you are? Every person is magic they just need to give themselves the time to mold their craft into the magical force that’s always been there. old-witch-postcard


Blessings and Get to living a better life


Luna Noir



How it’s going

Posted in Affirmations, Arizona, children, excitement, Faith, Feeling good, God and Goddess Worship, Good energy, help, home, job, Life, luck, magic, Magick, manifestation, Spells, tarot, travel, Wavering, Witch, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 7, 2014 by The Witches Cupboard

calm clear composed I know  its been a while but things have finally gotten stable again. I am in a good place and I’m ready to start recording again. I actually bought a great microphone and I just have to remember how to post a podcast again and then I’m back! I’m not expecting many people to still be there, however there have been so many personal responses to my inbox that those of you who are there, I’m glad to be back with you. So the short of it is. My husband found gainful employment!!! We are in a new safe car for us and the kids, and we hope to go to our first mini vacation to San Diego next month. Since we live in Arizona and still are not in the position to do a big vacation.

We will be driving to the coast and playing at the beach with the kids who have never seen the ocean in person. I plan to give an offering to the spirits of the sea as a thank you for all the blessing that I have received.  Not sure what I will be doing but you know that I will be sharing once I know. So we will have a day in the sun, and stay the  night over there and then drive back. I know there are some people who are either saying big deal, or LUCKY!!! to the big dealers, it is a big deal since not everyone can afford to ever vacation, my family being one of them.

We have never been on a vacation as a family, my last vacation I went on was cut short due to fear of dengue fever while i was pregnant with my first child (17 years ago). When we came back we both lost  our jobs because of downsizing… For those of you who are thinking we are lucky, well luck is not a factor this time. This entire year I have worked some serious candle magic practically every day for a year.

You can read below to see what my husband and I were doing. We made vision boards and positive thinking. Even when it seemed that we would be kicked out of our rental. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING was more important then being positive. It was crazy sometimes to feel happy even when we thought that we wouldn’t be able to afford milk or diapers for our youngest, we were just happy that our two teens at least went to school and could eat there. That’s how deep it got. But always some how we were able to find work (my husband did any way). The rent got paid the food was bought and the kids were always clean dressed and fed.

My message to you is stay focused, meditate however you can, do not let what looks like disaster sway you from having faith in God and Goddess. Have you ever played that game as a child where you cross your arms and fall back into someones arms? Well that’s what you do FAITH WISE. You tell your higher self, Spirit, God, Goddess, Fairies, or whatever your pray to, to catch you. That you trust that they will not let you hit the ground. You will not hit the bottom. Even if you feel the wind pass your ears and you think that in a second you will hit… Know that you are being protected. My husband for the past few months couldn’t find work here or in California like he usually did, the landlord told us that he was selling the house and that we had 2 months to find a new place. We prayed and I did a Tarot reading that said that we would be moving and finding a job.

Within 2 days we got a new job, was able to buy a car since the old one was crap, and had the money to move. We are seriously strapped  for cash right now, but we have moved, paid the rent, paid our utilities and have food and happy kids. That’s what intension, faith and focus does. You make a plan and get what you need, and in time a bit of what you want. I hope and pray you are all doing well. Sending blessing and light to you all.

For those of you who would like to listen to the podcast now, here’s the direct link to this episode:

Luna Noir

The Host of The Witches Cupboard


Posted in 9, Affirmations, angry, child, children, dead, Death, episode, Feeling good, help, home, job, Life, Life, Love, luck, magic, Magick, manifestation, New Age, possessed, son, Spells, Uncategorized, Witch, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 6, 2013 by The Witches Cupboard


Ok I knew something was going wrong when my husband accidentally broke my bottle of elderberry syrup…

I havent been sick for two years now and now I can barely speak due to a horrible sore throat. I thought that it was just allergies at first but now I can see that this is a wee bit more than just that.

So I am going to write about the podcast that I wanted to share with you this week.


Who has them? What are they? What can you gain from them?

Well I have a few of them. I have at least a 12,ooo  year old Mastodon tusk, that was fashioned into a bracelet with silver clasps (once called a slave cuff). This is one of those amulets that when you hold it you can feel the energy of the animal that use to roam the forest of their time. I will usually use this as my power bracelet when I am at family functions. As you may have read in previous podcasts, my family can sometimes be quite vicious. So I use the bracelet as a bridge to how this elefant may have once interacted with his or her family (I do feel that it was female for some reason). So I have always been pleasantly surprised at how much nicer my family have bee towards me when I use the bracelet, it’s almost like I have control over their emotions towards me. Kinda like Jasper Cullen from Twilight.

I also have a Witches ring that is made out of a 2,ooo year old bog wood from England. Now this ring is very strong with good energy but all so I have worn it during sleep and have had horrible nightmarish dreams. I’m not sure if I told you about this dream I had with the ring on. But I’m sure I said I woud. So here is that dream.

My husband and our three children are looking to get into a four bedroom apartment. When the manager sends me up to look at this apartment that just has been freed by there previous tenants. So I notice that one of the rooms was a boys nursery, perfect for my little Eros. So I’m wondering why did the couple leave all of the babies belongings, when I begin to slowly walk to this beautiful bassent that was adorned with white lace, and powder blue crocheted lace trim, it also have a kind of canopy that as I pulled it back away from the bassinet, it reviled the dead body of the boy who’s nursery i was in. He slept there peacefully. I was shocked and ran from the room. I told my husband and he began to scream at the manager of the apartment, as to what the hell was going on! The manager explained that the family were so devastated at the loss of their son that they left before they were able to have the body removed. but they were going to have him removed by days end.

Well needless to say I told my husband that I would NOT be moving into that apartment. My husband reassured me that we would not be getting that apartment and that we would find something fast, since we had to move by the end of the week. So we packed all of our belongings and packed the moving truck and when we got to the new apartment I was happy to see that we were literally at the other side of the building, to where the baby and the nursery were. We all unpacked and when I got to the room where my son Eros was to be sleeping I discovered that we were in the same apartment. We just came from the back door of the building. I was so upset and angry. I ran to my husband and he said that the body had been removed and her thought that there was no reason for us not to ge the apartment since we were in need of an apartment right away. I looked at my two older kids and asked them where their little brother was and they sai that they put him in the nursery. I LOST MY SHIT at this point. so I ran to the nursery and found my son on the floor crying. So as I picked him up I could still see the dead baby in the bassinet but this time he was possessed and writhing there in the bed. His eyes where black, and he had black lips and black dried blood coming from his mouth. I was able to somehow get my son out of there but my legs became stuck to the floor, so I was not able to move. I tried to scream but no sound came out. I looked behind me and the baby was beginning to  pull himself out of the bed and no matter how hard I tried to scream or get my husbands attention I could do nothing. I was able to knock over a broom (which usually means company is coming over to your house) and use the broom to get my husbands to check on me. He was able to drag me off to safety.  During this dream I was trying to wake up but just like the dream I was stuck. So no matter how I tried to wake I just couldn’t.

So that was my first experience with this Witches ring. But as soon as I got up that day I took the ring outside and put it in the sunshine for hours, to burn away any negative energy that may have accompanied the ring. Now I can sleep in it and not have any bad dreams.

I believe that this ring may have recorded a lot of killing. Because there is a sense of sadness, but still very positive. I do love the ring.

I also have an amulet that I made out of clay. This is by far the happiest of the three. I made it out of Sculpey Clay. I took moss green clay and fashioned it into a disk. I carved a simple O with a cross cut into the middle of it. I made it during the full moon, with the intension of finding my life calling. I will admit that it worked very well, but I will say that it has taken a long time for my amulet to CONVINCE me into believing that I can do my life calling.

So anyone can have an amulet and for sure you can make one by yourself. I was lucky to have been able to resonate with a few different kinds. But what’s important is to feel a connection. If you can have a positive experience, the better. I believe that using an amulet can heighten your power in many ways. It can help focus your energies toward your desire. It can gain even more power from positive energies surrounding you. I love how my amulets also protect me from negative energy and helps to direct my life towards my hearts desire and what is best for my life.

I do hope you all try to either find or create your own. I find that it helps fill in the cracks of a persons spells. I usually bless my amulets with smoke and during the full moon.

I just realized that the medicine I am taking is making me feel loopy. I must go now.

Bright Blessing to you all and as soon as I can I will post this podcast or a new one may God and Goddess Bless.



Angry Face

Posted in 9, Affirmations, angry, child, children, episode, excitement, help, Life, magic, Magick, manifestation, New Age, Ostara, Religion, son, Spells, Uncategorized, Witch, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 5, 2013 by The Witches Cupboard


In short I am re recording my 9th Episode. I thought that it was recording for forty-five minutes and then when I went to insert the artwork the beginning of the podcast was fine for three minutes and then DEAD AIR for the next twenty-three minutes. I am livid people!. But I am going to re-record the Episode as soon as I can get my son to sleep tonight.

Sorry Folk, I’m trying
