Archive for Halloween

Psychic Attack

Posted in Faith, God and Goddess Worship, magic, manifestation, New Age, Religion, tarot with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 1, 2011 by The Witches Cupboard

Hello there! As you have read before, I am no stranger to some miserable crap in my life. Lost jobs, lost house, pets dying, horrible drug infested neighborhood, and a terrible miscarriage. NOT A STRANGER… However with all that said, I have moved into a great home, with great neighbors and the job front is looking up. My heart has begun to heal from my miscarriage and I have been feeling pretty good. So when all of a suden, I was having a great time with my kids and husband and I felt this feeling of foreboding, kinda like I was sad, and depressed all of a sudden. As quick as it came it stayed 2 seconds then was gone. But it left me with the awareness of being ripped away from my good time. I had this happen quite a bit, sometimes 3 or 4 times in a day. It seemed that whenever I was happy this pang would hit me in the gut, stay for 2 seconds then just leave.

I was telling my husband how cool it was that the flowers that he bought me a month ago were still looking pretty good, and how i was amazed that they hadn’t died on us. I have had expensive flower die or wilt within a day or two. So having these $5 flowers from the local Kroger live for a month, made me take note and feel good at how beautiful they were doing. During this conversation the pang hit and my husband took notice and asked what had just happend to my mood. I explained to him what had been happening, and he said “maybe it’s a psychic attack” I was shocked that I hadn’t thought of it myself. But since I have been in such a good mood I haven’t even thought about anything negative.

So here is what I did first. I got out some stones that I have in my collection and pulled out a few that felt right for the problem.

Here is Botswana Agate it protects from evil influences and negativity. Helps to look for solutions rather that dwell on problem…

Then I took out Yellow Calcite CLears negative energy from environment. Calms the mind, and alleviates emotional stress.

Lastly I put Sardonyx in my pocket A stone of strength and protection. Prevents crime, especially theft, and dispels negativity. So with these three beauties to start I began to build up my shield defense against this negative energy that has been sent my way.

So now to start thinking about who could be the one who is sending me the bad juju. That is the tricky part. because I truly don’t know who could be after me in a bad way. The only thing that kind of freaks me out is if it is a family member. Because i tell my family everything. For a while now I have noticed that when things are going well for me and I tell a friend or family member the good news, then something will always happend to bust my mellow. It’s not that I am bragging to people, it’s just prue excitement that things are getting better with my situation, that I want to share the news. For instance when I was at the old house, my husband and I wanted to move so bad because of all the gun fire, that when we thought that we were going to be able to move I told friends and family the good news and we asked for good energy and prayers to be sent to us, so we could have an easy time when moving. Well next thing you know we aren’t moving anywhere. This happened so many times that I began to tell my husband that no matter how good the news, we can not tell anyone for fear of the jinx that would inevitably befall us. The hubs agreed. SI haven’t been able to figure out then and now who’s the ass messing with me. So here is the spell/prayer I used back then, with great results. The wording works for me but you may want to change it if you would like.

Whom ever is sending these acts of negativity
Shall stop or be held by the law of three
Threefold shall be your fate
For each time you sent me hate
May all the actions, thoughts, words of hate
Also become your decided fate
By the sun and moon that sits in the sky
feel the power and pain that you’ve caused, as I have cried
By Sun up high, the worlds and tides
by oceans wide and deep blue skies
by day and night, and powers three
this is my will, so mote it be!

This spell works like a charm. I do notice that when I use it, I won’t have any problems for a while. I think that whomever is doing the bad juju learns his or her lesson, but then at some point reverts back into a sniveling asshole.

I hope the spell doesn’t come across as if I am trying to be as mean as the energy vampire. I would never want to hurt anyone, I’m the last person who would. At the same time I can’t live like this. Always waiting for the other proverbial shoe to drop and hurt me and my family again.

When I have tried to ignore the psychic attacks it’s only made things worse. So I just use the three fold law to take it’s natural course, but with me expediting the time in which it gets there. I NEVER ask for someone to be hurt. I just ask that whatever they sent my way to just go back to them. I would rather that it just stop with no repercussion but I know that it would only continue. At least with the prayer I am able to let God and Goddess know that it is indeed time to step in and handle this for me.

The third and final thing I do is incense you can either put them in a bag and keep it on your person or burn them in a censor. I burn them. I figure since we all breath the same air, that in some way the smoke and spirit of the herbs will reach the person and stop them from attacking me. Here are the ones I use.

Heather Flower Cedar wood cones Sandal wood and Nag Champa I would call these the four horseman, when you want to put an end to something these are the four you call.

Well I hope that if you are having any trouble with a psychic attack, that you use any of this information. Plus call on God and Goddess there is nothing they can’t handle for you.

If you have any comments or questions please drop me and email.

Be Blessed

Luna Noir

P.S. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and iTunes

I can’t believe my baby is gone!

Posted in child, children, Faith, God and Goddess Worship, help, home, unborn, Uncategorized, Wavering with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 21, 2011 by The Witches Cupboard

When last I posted, I spoke about wavering faith. Now I speak about blind faith. With all that I thought could be the worst things to happen to me and my family; I was knocked down a few more pegs after getting my first ultra sound after 16 weeks of pregnancy. (I know what you’re thinking) why did I wait so long?!) I had no choice in the matter. With no insurance I was turned away from every place I thought was supposed to help me.

The state of Michigan government agencies are run worse than the FBI, CIA and Homeland security during 9/11. No one knew who I was supposed to talk to or who I could call for information. I made so many calls to DHS, Planned Parenthood, OBGYN offices in general, just trying to get help. That finally after praying for help, I called the city of Lansing spoke to God only knows and was told that all the places I had called should have directed me to Herman Kiefer. Where everything I needed could easily have been taken care of. I was told that every agency I spoke with has a list that they could have looked at if they were so inclined to help me. But even after that, I still had to wait 2 extra weeks to see a nurse then make my appointment for the ultra sound.

I did everything that I was told, and when I went to the ultra sound with my mother (the hubs had to work) I was so excited because we might have been able to see the sex of the baby… I had so many thoughts of how I would call my husband to tease him on what we were going to have, and then how would I tell the kids. I thought of making them a white cake and there in the middle of the cake would be either blur or pink frosting or something that would indicate the sex of the baby.

So as I lay down on the table, and exposed my belly for the ultrasound tech to begin her work, she asked me if I was from the outpatient clinic. Yes I am… She began the ultrasound, with a squirt of warm jelly on my belly and then, she began to run the Doppler over my pelvis for about 3 minutes and then she said she was checking my ovaries, and I told her to tell me once she would begin to look at the baby. She agreed, and after another 3 minutes looking around my ovaries she told me that she was now about to check the baby… About 10-15 seconds (no exaggeration) she stopped and said that she needed to get the doctor. She asked me when was my first confirmation of pregnancy and when I told her she left the room. I was freaked out and so was my mom. She hardly looked at the baby before she walked out the door. I thought that perhaps she saw a tumor or fibroids, or something like that. The Doctor came in put the Doppler on my tummy and within 5-7 seconds said I have good news and bad news. I immediately said what’s the good news? She said the baby is developed, I then said “what’s the bad news?” The doctor said “It stopped (Developing), sorry about that, we need you to pull up your pants and the ultrasound tech will take you to the next room, so they can tell you about your options. Again, sorry”.

I looked at my mother in bewilderment and I kinda remember wiping my belly and pulling up my pants. The tech was guiding me to the room next door and I recall asking to go to the restroom. My head began to spin. Just like that, with the words “I have good news and bad news”, my life was turned upside down.

I sat in the room next to the ultrasound room and waited what seemed like forever. Waiting for the phone to ring that would tell me that my baby was dead. The phone did ring and a doctor did call me and began to prattle off all sorts of ways for me to expel the lifeless body that was in my belly, she rattled off words like D & C, misoprostol, surgery or just go home and wait for it to come out on its own. Would you like fries with that or to biggy size it??? It was so nonchalant, I’ve had more remorse from a sales clerk not having shoes in my size than these assholes who just announced that my baby was dead.

I clearly was in shock but I don’t think that this bitch even thought or cared about that. “So what do you want to do”? Um I can’t make a decision right now, was my answer. I think that I need some time to think. “Um ok just call me tomorrow, with your decision, Sorry about this “. I was devastated; I couldn’t believe what I was going through. I called my husband and he was so upset how I was treated. My mother sat there with me in the same shock that I was. She told me that I needed a second opinion. This was for sure.

So I went home and my thinking was, if I have miscarried then like the women on the phone said I can just wait for nature to run its course and the baby will come out on its own and if they are wrong, then I can give the baby some time to grow a bit and have a heartbeat. You may be thinking right now that Luna has lost her mind. But in a way I have. I couldn’t comprehend that these heartless bitches could be right, so I went home with the idea that there must be a reason for this shit to be happening. I was home for a week and I swear that I thought that I could feel the baby move just like before the ultrasound.

I told my husband that I wanted to wait until my next doctors appointment to come around and then I would go and get another ultrasound, then I would be sure that the baby had had a chance to either grow or then I would know without a shadow of  a doubt, the baby was gone. Well he called the doctors office to tell them what I was planning on doing, and within about 15 minutes I received a call telling me to come to the hospital the very next day for another look at the baby to see if there was a heartbeat and that they were sorry for how I was treated the last time I was there. So I went to the hospital with my husband, and I was given the proper amount of time for the ultrasound and I saw that the baby was there with no heartbeat. This time around with another doctor, I was treated like a person. Not like an animal. I was still so terribly sad. Because the days that I was at home I prayed so much to God and Goddess and to all the divine beings in heaven and on earth. But to no avail.

I think it’s been 4 days since I went to the hospital and got the D&C but I still touch my belly like if I still had my precious little Blueberry (that was my nickname for the baby). I can’t believe that after all the terrible times I have had in my life for the past couple of years, losing the jobs, losing the house, losing so much that I could still be brought even lower.

The reason for me posting this isn’t to show you how bitter, sad, depressed, angry or tired I am of all this shit that has happened to me and my family. But to show you that despite all this my faith in God and the Goddess is still as strong if not stronger by it.

After I left that hospital the first time, I went home and begged, prayed, and pleaded with the God/dess to make Blueberry well. To let that bitch who gave me my “good news, bad news” to be fucking wrong! I also prayed that if I had to lose my baby to at least trade me something for the pain that I would endure in the coming months and possibly years… To trade me a better world for my kids that I have now, and for a better kind of people on this planet for my future baby. That’s what I asked for. I went to sleep every night in tears, I walked around the house in tears all day long, until the morning of the D&C when I got up and felt completely numb. I had so many people praying for me and my family, that I truly felt like I was being shielded against the fear, and pain that was about to come. I have never had surgery before, never had to deal with this kind of situation ever before in my life. On this day I woke up and got dressed and I noticed that I was being taken care of by God and the Goddess. I understand the poem the footprints in the sand now. I was not alone nor have I ever been.

We have moved from that horrible neighborhood to a very nice one. Not once have I heard gunfire, or someone yelling outside because of being intoxicated or on drugs, not one prostitute walks in front of my house either. My husband had gotten a part time job that got us into a rental property that is awesome.  The kid’s school is closer, and the kids are looking forward to having friends come over. My life has taken some of the worst turns I have ever had to face. But not once was I alone to handle it. I am holding my hand out to God and Goddess to help me with the pain of losing my baby and though it is way too soon for me to feel the difference in healing I know that I will someday. I have two footprints in the sand and not one of them are mine.

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed

he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.

For each scene he noticed two sets of

footprints in the sand: one belonging

to him, and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him,

he looked back at the footprints in the sand

He noticed that many times along the path of

his life there was only one set of footprints.

He also noticed that it happened at the very

lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him and he

questioned the LORD about it:

“LORD, you said that once I decided to follow

you, you’d walk with me all the way.

But I have noticed that during the most

troublesome times in my life,

there is only one set of footprints.

I don’t understand why when

I needed you most you would leave me.”

The LORD replied:

“My son, my precious child,

I love you and I would never leave you.

During your times of trial and suffering,

when you see only one set of footprints,

it was then that I carried you.”

Blessed Be

Luna Noir

I can't believe my baby is gone!

Posted in child, children, Faith, God and Goddess Worship, help, home, unborn, Uncategorized, Wavering with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 21, 2011 by The Witches Cupboard

When last I posted, I spoke about wavering faith. Now I speak about blind faith. With all that I thought could be the worst things to happen to me and my family; I was knocked down a few more pegs after getting my first ultra sound after 16 weeks of pregnancy. (I know what you’re thinking) why did I wait so long?!) I had no choice in the matter. With no insurance I was turned away from every place I thought was supposed to help me.

The state of Michigan government agencies are run worse than the FBI, CIA and Homeland security during 9/11. No one knew who I was supposed to talk to or who I could call for information. I made so many calls to DHS, Planned Parenthood, OBGYN offices in general, just trying to get help. That finally after praying for help, I called the city of Lansing spoke to God only knows and was told that all the places I had called should have directed me to Herman Kiefer. Where everything I needed could easily have been taken care of. I was told that every agency I spoke with has a list that they could have looked at if they were so inclined to help me. But even after that, I still had to wait 2 extra weeks to see a nurse then make my appointment for the ultra sound.

I did everything that I was told, and when I went to the ultra sound with my mother (the hubs had to work) I was so excited because we might have been able to see the sex of the baby… I had so many thoughts of how I would call my husband to tease him on what we were going to have, and then how would I tell the kids. I thought of making them a white cake and there in the middle of the cake would be either blur or pink frosting or something that would indicate the sex of the baby.

So as I lay down on the table, and exposed my belly for the ultrasound tech to begin her work, she asked me if I was from the outpatient clinic. Yes I am… She began the ultrasound, with a squirt of warm jelly on my belly and then, she began to run the Doppler over my pelvis for about 3 minutes and then she said she was checking my ovaries, and I told her to tell me once she would begin to look at the baby. She agreed, and after another 3 minutes looking around my ovaries she told me that she was now about to check the baby… About 10-15 seconds (no exaggeration) she stopped and said that she needed to get the doctor. She asked me when was my first confirmation of pregnancy and when I told her she left the room. I was freaked out and so was my mom. She hardly looked at the baby before she walked out the door. I thought that perhaps she saw a tumor or fibroids, or something like that. The Doctor came in put the Doppler on my tummy and within 5-7 seconds said I have good news and bad news. I immediately said what’s the good news? She said the baby is developed, I then said “what’s the bad news?” The doctor said “It stopped (Developing), sorry about that, we need you to pull up your pants and the ultrasound tech will take you to the next room, so they can tell you about your options. Again, sorry”.

I looked at my mother in bewilderment and I kinda remember wiping my belly and pulling up my pants. The tech was guiding me to the room next door and I recall asking to go to the restroom. My head began to spin. Just like that, with the words “I have good news and bad news”, my life was turned upside down.

I sat in the room next to the ultrasound room and waited what seemed like forever. Waiting for the phone to ring that would tell me that my baby was dead. The phone did ring and a doctor did call me and began to prattle off all sorts of ways for me to expel the lifeless body that was in my belly, she rattled off words like D & C, misoprostol, surgery or just go home and wait for it to come out on its own. Would you like fries with that or to biggy size it??? It was so nonchalant, I’ve had more remorse from a sales clerk not having shoes in my size than these assholes who just announced that my baby was dead.

I clearly was in shock but I don’t think that this bitch even thought or cared about that. “So what do you want to do”? Um I can’t make a decision right now, was my answer. I think that I need some time to think. “Um ok just call me tomorrow, with your decision, Sorry about this “. I was devastated; I couldn’t believe what I was going through. I called my husband and he was so upset how I was treated. My mother sat there with me in the same shock that I was. She told me that I needed a second opinion. This was for sure.

So I went home and my thinking was, if I have miscarried then like the women on the phone said I can just wait for nature to run its course and the baby will come out on its own and if they are wrong, then I can give the baby some time to grow a bit and have a heartbeat. You may be thinking right now that Luna has lost her mind. But in a way I have. I couldn’t comprehend that these heartless bitches could be right, so I went home with the idea that there must be a reason for this shit to be happening. I was home for a week and I swear that I thought that I could feel the baby move just like before the ultrasound.

I told my husband that I wanted to wait until my next doctors appointment to come around and then I would go and get another ultrasound, then I would be sure that the baby had had a chance to either grow or then I would know without a shadow of  a doubt, the baby was gone. Well he called the doctors office to tell them what I was planning on doing, and within about 15 minutes I received a call telling me to come to the hospital the very next day for another look at the baby to see if there was a heartbeat and that they were sorry for how I was treated the last time I was there. So I went to the hospital with my husband, and I was given the proper amount of time for the ultrasound and I saw that the baby was there with no heartbeat. This time around with another doctor, I was treated like a person. Not like an animal. I was still so terribly sad. Because the days that I was at home I prayed so much to God and Goddess and to all the divine beings in heaven and on earth. But to no avail.

I think it’s been 4 days since I went to the hospital and got the D&C but I still touch my belly like if I still had my precious little Blueberry (that was my nickname for the baby). I can’t believe that after all the terrible times I have had in my life for the past couple of years, losing the jobs, losing the house, losing so much that I could still be brought even lower.

The reason for me posting this isn’t to show you how bitter, sad, depressed, angry or tired I am of all this shit that has happened to me and my family. But to show you that despite all this my faith in God and the Goddess is still as strong if not stronger by it.

After I left that hospital the first time, I went home and begged, prayed, and pleaded with the God/dess to make Blueberry well. To let that bitch who gave me my “good news, bad news” to be fucking wrong! I also prayed that if I had to lose my baby to at least trade me something for the pain that I would endure in the coming months and possibly years… To trade me a better world for my kids that I have now, and for a better kind of people on this planet for my future baby. That’s what I asked for. I went to sleep every night in tears, I walked around the house in tears all day long, until the morning of the D&C when I got up and felt completely numb. I had so many people praying for me and my family, that I truly felt like I was being shielded against the fear, and pain that was about to come. I have never had surgery before, never had to deal with this kind of situation ever before in my life. On this day I woke up and got dressed and I noticed that I was being taken care of by God and the Goddess. I understand the poem the footprints in the sand now. I was not alone nor have I ever been.

We have moved from that horrible neighborhood to a very nice one. Not once have I heard gunfire, or someone yelling outside because of being intoxicated or on drugs, not one prostitute walks in front of my house either. My husband had gotten a part time job that got us into a rental property that is awesome.  The kid’s school is closer, and the kids are looking forward to having friends come over. My life has taken some of the worst turns I have ever had to face. But not once was I alone to handle it. I am holding my hand out to God and Goddess to help me with the pain of losing my baby and though it is way too soon for me to feel the difference in healing I know that I will someday. I have two footprints in the sand and not one of them are mine.

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed

he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.

For each scene he noticed two sets of

footprints in the sand: one belonging

to him, and the other to the LORD.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him,

he looked back at the footprints in the sand

He noticed that many times along the path of

his life there was only one set of footprints.

He also noticed that it happened at the very

lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him and he

questioned the LORD about it:

“LORD, you said that once I decided to follow

you, you’d walk with me all the way.

But I have noticed that during the most

troublesome times in my life,

there is only one set of footprints.

I don’t understand why when

I needed you most you would leave me.”

The LORD replied:

“My son, my precious child,

I love you and I would never leave you.

During your times of trial and suffering,

when you see only one set of footprints,

it was then that I carried you.”

Blessed Be

Luna Noir


Posted in Faith, Gaia, God and Goddess Worship, manifestation, New Age, Religion, tarot, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 28, 2010 by The Witches Cupboard

Very happy to see that it took only about 3 hours for the itunes to approve the Witches Cupboard. YEA! I love it when a plan works out well. I will be the first to say that I may not be the pro at public speaking yet but with time and a little patience from you, I believe in myself to be able to persevere with a great show ever week. I think that I may be able to produce more shows in the beginning, since I am very excited and have a lot that is currently going on.

So if you want to hear what I’ve been writing about with your own witchy ears then please join me on itunes

Hope to see ya there. any suggestions for the show please leave a comment here or email me at

Bright blessings



Posted in Faith, Gaia, God and Goddess Worship, manifestation, New Age, Religion, tarot, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 28, 2010 by The Witches Cupboard

Very happy to see that it took only about 3 hours for the itunes to approve the Witches Cupboard. YEA! I love it when a plan works out well. I will be the first to say that I may not be the pro at public speaking yet but with time and a little patience from you, I believe in myself to be able to persevere with a great show ever week. I think that I may be able to produce more shows in the beginning, since I am very excited and have a lot that is currently going on.

So if you want to hear what I’ve been writing about with your own witchy ears then please join me on itunes

Hope to see ya there. any suggestions for the show please leave a comment here or email me at

Bright blessings


Setting up Podcast today :)

Posted in Faith, Gaia, God and Goddess Worship, manifestation, New Age, Religion, tarot, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 26, 2010 by The Witches Cupboard

Well today is very exciting since I am finally setting up my Podcast. I had recorded a few shows so I could meet the demand for upcoming Samhain. However it is unfortunate that the podcast will take up to two weeks to be reviewed by itunes 😦

I hope all goes well. There are many things that are happening right now in my life and I plan on fixing them as best as I can.

The economy has taken it’s toll on everyone and my little family coven has been truly affected. Just so you can put your life into perspective, I want to tell you a little about mine. In order for you to understand, If I can make it then anyone can. (this post will not end in me getting everything I need, buuut i think that it gives me everything that I need to make it to that point).

Both my husband and I have been living off of unemployment for a year now. We are constantly looking for jobs, internet searches and word of mouth, door to door and if you can think of it, then it has been done (even going out of the country to look for work). So we are constantly praying and putting out spells for more chances and money to come our way. The phones have yet to yield a job that can sustain a family of four, but we have not given up. Every now and again, when things have come up that is out of our control, we can say that this spell works into getting us the money that we need to keep food on the table, clothes on the kids backs,and other utilities paid (it was too late for our house to be saved, we are now in foreclosure). Even though the last bit of news may seem to be bad it is actually a blessing, for we live in a neighborhood that has been taken over by drug dealers and prostitution. I could not have imagined that I would have to deal with this type of situation, it’s truly an after school special happening outside my front door. Having to be afraid of gunfire at least 2 to 4 times in a week has taken a toll on all of us here. My children know the drill, as soon as they hear the yells from the violent neighbors, they know to run to my daughters room and hide in the closet. Wait for the gun fire to stop and then stay there till we are sure that there will not be a retaliation from the target practice that was just shot at…

So when all this is happening to us I still have the gumption to think positive and wait for God/Goddess to come to our rescue. I have found a peace that has on many occasions come over me to still pray for these dealers that put the lives of my children, husband, pets, and I in danger. I have noticed that manifesting a better life may be painfully slowly helping my life and the lives of my family. I take about 1minute and eleven seconds (powerful numbers that can be seen via the Bible and many other religious cultures) (golden opportunity number). So I take this time to think, breath, feel, and believe that my situation will change and for the better (use a white candle to help call the mind and clear the mind of all that effects it negatively White candle for hope). There are times that I feel that I’m not seeing the results I want as fast as I want, however that’s the perfect time to pray for the patients for the positive  end result. I also say this prayer at the end of the manifestation meditation. God and Goddess hear as I pray, let good fortune come our way, send us good luck and prosperity, as we seek a safe and happy life So mote it be.

While I am waiting for things to change.  I always read my own tarot cards even though many will tell you this is not a good idea, since it can be hard for some to be objective. I have been doing this so long that I know that there are always ups and downs in life and I don’t take myself so serious and I’, not oblivious to the fact that sometimes shit will happen and sometimes it’s going to be my fault. So in this way the tarot is a fantastic guide to help you in making better informed decisions. A preemptive strike if you will. to better facilitate a different outcome.  I just really try not to piss off whichever deity I am asking the question to. If you don’t like the answer don’t ask the same question again and again, hoping for a different answer. You look like an ass that way. You come to them for help then you who doesn’t have the answer second guesses a God/dess or Angel/Spirit. Not good. Take the information that you get and the part that you don’t like make changes in your life situation that will give you the outcome that you want to have a positive outcome.  To give you an idea of what I am doing different I am making the best effort I can to stay positive and not to complain so much about WHY ME! Why not you Luna. I was chosen to have this life and it’s challenges to prove that i can still make it and come out stronger in the end. So try some of the steps that I have here for you and if you need help don’t hesitate to ask. I would love to hear from you.

Blessed be

Luna Noir

Samhain Feast

Posted in Faith, Gaia, God and Goddess Worship, New Age, Religion, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on October 22, 2010 by The Witches Cupboard

Hello everyone as I said before I would be discussing my plans for Samhain. I think first of all I should explain that I am truly a Halloween freak. Ever since I was little it has always been my favorite holiday.

I plan on making a Samhain feast my family. They will be enjoying pumpkin pancakes (final vote passed), maple bacon plus spiced coffee for the adults and hot apple cider for the kids.

The night before I will have started a crock pot of homemade chili to make a wonderful lunch for the family. Fresh fruit, and for dinner we will be having a wonderful pork roast with Irish potatoes and perhaps a side bowl of the chili with hot fresh baked cornbread. I try to make sure that all of Gaia’s bounty is present. I think that this should cover it all.

I will be doing ritual after the kids come back from trick or treating… I ‘m decorating my alter with candles with all the fall colors represented, small gourds  will outline my circle. Along with candles that represent the elements. I have this wonderful wine that I plan to use during ritual. It only comes around this time of year, but this year I will get a couple of extra bottles. Because it is so perfect when roasting meats (beef, lamb, pork, maybe even chicken). It’s called  Leelanau Witches‘ Brew (spiced wine).  did I mention it’s good?

I look forward to feeling my dearly departed pets that I have lost this year. This year was tough for the Noir family. We lost two Yorkshire Terriers, and three toads that were my sons. I felt like every month I was crying over either my pups or for my son and his toads. It very hard when you have so many pets and after having them for 8 to 14 years you begin to see how time flies. One of my youngest pups that past was only 8 years old (this was a while ago). Her name was Betty (she died of cancer). That was such a hard time for all of use. The kids were so young when this happened. The my first pup Tinkers past away from old age (three years ago) and I thought that I wouldn’t make it past the first few seconds. He was like a mini human. This pup was quiet and polite with children, adults and any kind of animals he came across. Patrick Ronald was Tinkers brother in-law. He died when I was on vacation with my father in FLorida. The kids and husband couldn’t go so I was gone and he died while I was away. My husband didn’t tell me while I was gone so when he told me that he had something to tell me, I thought that it was going to be something good. (It wasn’t) So I have never really been able to get over Patpat’s death. Then 7 months later Belle died, while my husband was away on vacation (visiting his sister), It was very sad and traumatic for me since I had always had my husband there to help me through it. But I literally held Belle as she slipped away (she was 14). SO now I have Fausto and he is our youngest (at age 12). Since Halloween is a time to be revisited and to also let go, I look forward to this Samhain  very much.

Now after the kids are nocked out… My husband and I have a personal sexual ritual that we perform ever year. Where we offer up all the pleasure that we have to God and Goddess. There are so many times when we offer up our pain and sorrow to God and Goddess and never have I heard of offering up some wonder good feelings.  try to remember to share my thanks and blessings with them since they are the reason for all of my wonderful experiences. I just know that having a  gift like making love to my husband and partner is defiantly something I want to share with God and Goddess and to also say a well earned thank you. I literally ask GOd and Goddess to be present in our ritual love making. I truly feel an even more intense sensation of self while making love to my husband, and I can feel even more sensitive then I even do normally. I can be honest in saying that orgasm  during this ritual is super crazy immense. I don’t do this ritual every time I have sex, only on special occasions. I feel that if you do it every time it cheapens the meaning behind it. I would say that I do this approximately four to six times a year.

I will leave on this note, if you want to experience wonderful mind numbing sex then ask for God and Goddess to be present. Watch how they reward you for thinking of them in your private moments with the one you love.


Blessing to you and yours this Samhain


Luna Noir


Merry Meet Welcome to my Blog

Posted in Faith, Gaia, God and Goddess Worship, New Age, Religion, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on October 22, 2010 by The Witches Cupboard

Tools Tools Tools

Posted in Faith, Gaia, God and Goddess Worship, New Age, Religion, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on October 19, 2010 by The Witches Cupboard

When I started out as a witch I looked for every bit of information I could get my hands on.
I thought that I needed to have knives, special cups and a load of other material that truly was not  necessary.
But I will give you a list of what most witches have. You can select what cha need.

Athame  – The athame is the traditional ritual dagger of the witch.  The athame is a tool of command, it is used to direct what power we pass through it.  used to cast circles by tracing the circumference, to charge and consecrate objects and banish negative energies.  As an elemental tools of the craft, in most traditions it is associated with the elements of Fire, in others it is associated with Air. Because of the phallic symbolism of the knife it represents male energies so it is associated  with the God.

Pentacle  – The pentacle is a traditional tool of the craft.   It is usually a round solid disc often made from stone, wood or copper.  On the disc it is engraved or painted with a five-pointed star enclosed inside a circle called the Pentagram.  The pentacle is normally the centerpiece of the altar on which objects are placed to be consecrated or charged, such things as amulets, charms and tools are placed on it.  The pentacle represents the elements of Earth and is sometimes used to summon the God and Goddesses.
Wand  – The wand is one of the prime magical tools of the witch.  Traditionally the wand is made from the wood of a sacred tree.  These include the Willow, Elder, Oak, Apple, Peach, Hazel and Cherry, and many others.  The wand is a tool of invocation, it is used to evoke the Gods, Goddesses and Spirits.  It is also used to bestow blessings, charge objects and draw down the moon during ritual.  In most traditions the wand represents the elements of Air, in others it represents the elements of Fire.

Censer  – The censor is an incense burner used to contain burning incense during ritual. The censor represents the elements of Air and is normally placed before the images of the Goddess and God on the altar.

Chalice  – The Chalice is one of the four elemental tools of witchcraft and represents the elements of Water.  It is a symbol of containment and often represents the womb of the Goddess.

The chalice can be made of any material, in times of old – Horns, Shells and Gourds were used to hold sacred liquids during ritual, and then in later times – Silver became the preferred material, having long been associated with the moon and the Goddess.  The chalice is used to hold the blessed water and wine during ritual.  It is traditional in many covens to pass the chalice around all members, who then take a drink as a token of unity.

Broom  – The broom is a ritual tool of the witch, sacred to both Goddess and the God.  The God – through its symbolic phallic shape, The Goddess – through its three-piece make up, the stick, brush and binding cord being symbolic of the triformis aspect of the Goddess.

The broom is used for a variety of purposes but most generally to purify and protect.  It is used to ritually cleanse an area before magic is performed by symbolically sweeping away negative energies. It was used to guard the home and persons within against psychic attack or evil curses.

Traditionally and perhaps the use which most people identify it with, are the old wedding ceremonies of the Gypsies and the early American slaves, where a couple leapt over the broom to ensure fertility, domestic harmony and longevity.  Today pagan hand-fasting rituals often include a broom jump.

Cauldron  – The cauldron is probably the tool most associated with witchcraft and mystery.  It is symbolic of the womb of the Goddess, and is the manifested essence of femininity and fertility.  Everything is born from the cauldron of the Goddess and afterwards everything returns back to it.  It is also symbolic of the element of water, as well as reincarnation, immortality and inspiration.

In ritual the cauldron is used as a container for making brews and potions, or to contain a small fire for use with spells.  It can also be used for scrying (divination) by filling it with water and gazing into its depths.

Bell  – The bell is a ritual tool of invocation and banishment. The bell can be rung to indicate the start of ritual and of banishing negative influences before the ritual begins.  Often it is used to invoke the Goddess during ritual, or sounded at the four quarters to call forth such spirits as the Watchtowers and the Elements.

Book of Shadows  – The Book of Shadows is the workbook of the witch.  In it is recorded: Rituals guidelines, Spells, Runes, Invocations, Rules of a particular Coven or Tradition, Symbols, Poems, Chants, and anything else of use to the witch during ritual.

When making your own Book of Shadows, use any form of blank book, but perhaps the best would be to make or buy a boom that has the right energy for you. I have several types of books that I use for different aspects of my craft. I have a beautiful moleskin black journal for my tarot ( when I was learning the tarot I wrote my interpretation of what each card meant to me thus learning their values better and feeling the energy each card contained) also a dream journal for obvious reasons and my main book of shadows that I put all of my proven spells, chants, and much more. You may want to create your Book of Shadows via your computer, saving to folders, or flash drives, it’s really up to you how you want to express yourself.

I personally don’t have everything listed. Like the athame.  I could never find one that I felt a connection to. So I have used my middle finger. Since the original use of flipping someone the bird was supposed to represent the male penis and genitalia. Since the athame is also a representation of the male genitalia we’re even. it’s all in how you think and feel about what you are doing.  (By the way i don’t flip people off anymore. I only try to use my body for good and that’s how i respect of my tools).

I do have many other tools that help me during ritual or when creating spells and they are tons of spices, herbs, resins, seeds, crystals, medallions, and oils. Depending on what the spell calls for, I use what I have on hand or can find in nature.

So what are you planning on for Samhain. My next post will have what me and my family are doing and having as our meals that day.

So till next time

Blessed Be

The Witches Cupboard Merry Meet

Posted in Faith, Gaia, God and Goddess Worship, New Age, Religion, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on October 12, 2010 by The Witches Cupboard

Today’s episode

How I converted to becoming a witch. First of all I was raised a Catholic, however my mother and grandmother had always practiced witchcraft. I would watch as my sister was sick and my mom and grandmother would take an egg and with salted water by her bedside they would sprinkle her with the saltwater and then rub the egg all over her body, after placing the egg under her bed overnight she would be able to sleep soundly… then the next morning my grandmother would crack the egg. The egg was filled with dark blood, (they would repeat this ritual every night until the egg was normal) the second day the egg contained bright red blood, the third day thin traces of blood. Then the fourth day, the egg was clear.

My sister has always been sensitive to attacks as a child and even as an adult (in a later episode I will share some of the horrific instances, which I speak of).

So ever since I could remember there was always this THING we did. My mother would tell me and my other siblings not to speak of. We already weren’t liked in the Catholic Church and the school we went to and that was for just being Latinos. Never mind being known for witchcraft.  So for years I watched and learned, but as all of us got older my grandmother wouldn’t speak of witchcraft and then my mother wouldn’t. Because of the Catholic Church scaring them into feeling like what they were doing was evil.  Never once did my mother use her knowledge to harm another person. She would tell me that spells come back to you three times worse, so if you are in danger best to just use brute strength and kick some ass  if you must, but walk away if you can. My mom figured if you can talk your way out of a bad situation then good but if you have to defend yourself physically then the other person will truly understand your meaning afterward (all this form a women 4’11”).

So after a long while of my family depriving themselves from their natural instincts, I desired to understand my families’ way of life further. But before the internet all I could ever find was books in the library and they were all about devil worship and folklore that always portrayed witchcraft as being about killing babies and kissing cat ass. So I went to the only person I could talk to and ask about the craft and finally my grandmother spoke to me about it and told me that she learned everything she knew from her  mother and  grandmother and  they learn from their grandmothers…  What she learned was how to read the weather through the trees, and the smell of the air. How different plants could stop a fever, how the salt from the sea could cure a sore throat if you trickled a sprinkle down your throat at the first sign of a sore throat, and how nature was the energy meant to be used to heal your life of trouble and so much more. I was very excited to hear how much she used to love practicing her craft, but then she told me she never knew she was wrong for practicing witchcraft until the Catholic missionaries came to the island, and showed her how she was going to go to hell if she continued.

I felt so sorry for her, because you could see it in her eyes that she was ashamed now of how she once lived.  She asked me not to go into the craft and I didn’t for a long while until one day my life was spinning out of control and something literally called to me, that there was a way for me to become strong again. I waited for about a minute and then I began to think about how when I was very little and I felt like my little life was not going the way that I thought it should my mom would tell me to wait for the full moon and as soon as I could see it out of my window to take an egg and a glass of water and ask the divine to help show me the way.

After I had that memory I began to look up witchcraft and the path that I would begin to take.

SO after buying several books I will list some here, I began to understand more about what my mom and grandmother knew and had in some ways left behind.  I felt an immediate kinship for the Goddess. I felt stronger knowing I had finally found her and that she now knew I would always love and utilize her gifts. I felt freedom that I never had in Catholicism. I still had some trepidation about becoming a witch but after speaking to both God and Goddess I learned that I wasn’t leaving everything that I had learned in being Catholic but now I could peel back the lies that were printed in the Bible. Mans lies that were meant to stifle the Goddess and women.  I can say that I still read the Christian bible, but I just keep what is true for any one of us, treat others as you want to be treated, don’t kill, steal, and several other important life messages that any good witch already knows. But now I know that with the power that God and Goddess have given me I am not at the mercy of life but that I have the power to help change my life and help others with all that I am.  A wonderful feeling from a person who always felt that she was being punished for being a girl, and who had no power.  I am powerful because my God and Goddess tell me so and I believe in them.

I hope you feel it too.

My next post will be about tools of the trade. What you think you need and what you really need …

Till next time

Blessed Be

Luna Noir

Example of the egg on full moon spell.

Take a glass of water, crack the egg and pour the yolk and the egg whites into the water, leave the glass on the windowsill so the moon shines upon it, and with all your might ask for the answer to come by morning. When you wake without moving the glass see what shapes that are in the glass which were made by the egg yolk and egg whites and see if you understand the pictures that can be seen in the glass.