Archive for Goat


Posted in Affirmations, Faith, Feeling good, Gaia, God and Goddess Worship, help, home, job, Life, Love, magic, manifestation, New Age, Religion, Spirit guides, Uncategorized, Wavering with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 5, 2011 by The Witches Cupboard

It has been a bit since I have posted, and with good reason. My life as you all may have read has not gone as smoothly as I think it could have. I always recap for those who may be finding this blog for the first time.

After getting done with a chapter 13 to save house, a month later I lose my job 2 weeks B4 Christmas/Yule. On my birthday a month later (for the second time in our marriage) my husband loses his job. We try to save house with unemployment (and can’t). We find out we are pregnant (excitement and more stress). Unemployment runs out for the two of us. No insurance.  We lose house.

Not the house but lets pretend 

Luckily my husband finds some freelance work to get us into a rental house,  (Loved that house) freelance has helped us to pay rent for 6months in advance. We lose the baby (crushing). Depression begins. Work dries up. Time goes bye, trying to find work.  We Don’t have next months rent, 20 days before rent is due I fall back on every part of my religious background, (I’m what I like to call the witch with a twist)

St. Joseph

So I call and pray to God and Goddess, Jesus and Mary, St. Joseph (patron saint who helps husbands find work to support their family) Angels. I go online and look for the angel who helps find work for folks (Archangel Chamuel is the guy for this) . I’m looking for a job as well as the hubs, and once I applied all the aspects of my knowledge in religion and “The Secret” Wicca, and  I now have unwavering faith. I lit candles and burned incense EVERYTHING.   Phone starts to ring. Mind you we have about $180 to our name. People that my husband tried to work for, for the past year and a half start to call. He goes on interviews and one by one each job falls through. My husband is seriously stressed I finally get him on board to pray to St. Joseph and to the Archangel Chamuel, he does, he also takes the crystals that attracts peace and relieves stress. The the phone rings for a person that my husband interviewed with in Canada in the fall. This person was not able to hire my husband because the position hadn’t opened up and then the position was terminated. This person calls and tells my husband that they gave his name to a coworker in Southfield in Michigan 20 minutes from out house tell them about how wonderful my husband would be for a job that they had opening soon there. Well she mentioned that she had told them about my husband about a month ago and just wondered if they ever called. My husband sadly didn’t get that call. The person tells my husband that he bound to  find work and to have faith,  bye. Just as that person is getting off the phone his phone rings and it the Southfield office, saying that about a month ago they received this gleaming referral regarding him and they wanted him to come in tomorrow for an interview. They loved him!!! They tell my husband that he needs to interview with like 5 other people to get the job. STRESS for hubby, Not for me. I tell him don’t worry it will be OK.  He does all 4  interviews they all give him the green light and then the last guy. Some guy in Arizona (WTH) He’s the last of the interviewers and we have to wait a week to talk to him via internet face time interview… Now we have about two weeks to go before we have to tell the owners of the house that we will not be living there anymore and to keep out first, last months rent Blah blah blah. My husband has the interview and the guys says No.

I want you to work for me here in Arizona…

That he would pay my husband more than he would make in Michigan and that he will also make a salary and commission. He flies my husband out for two weeks of training and then the other shoe dropped. The company WILL NOT pay for our relocation. We now have about $20 at least with me. because my husband didn’t have money for food out there in Arizona while in training. So now I FREAKED THE HECK OUT!!! We have a job with no way to get there. practically everyone in our families have lost their jobs or were about to. So my husband asks for some divine guidance. He get’s it in the way of an idea to get a Chipin account. It’s an account where your friends,  family anyone who wants to can help you but seeing your goal and then contributing to it. believe me it worked. Some people chip in $5.00 some $300. We needed $6,500. for truck rental and gas for truck and the car that I would be driving in. We’ll two days before we were to leave to Arizona we got all the money we needed through the help of family and friends. We got here with only $121 left to spare. Since we didn’t have any money we also included the rent for the house that we needed to have in order to have a place to live when we got here to Arizona.

So we’ve been hear and it’s been a month. We are not homeless and we are happy.

It was a crazy adventure but it wasn’t over yet. I will be posting the craziest thing that happened to us once we got here. You are going to find out why I’ve had so much bad luck and what I am doing now to fix it.

Thanks for reading, I still have to unpack a few things still, so the podcast version of this will be up in about a week.


Luna Noir