Archive for April, 2011

Working on my life inside and out

Posted in Affirmations, Faith, Feeling good, God and Goddess Worship, magic, manifestation, Religion, Uncategorized, Weight loss with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 14, 2011 by The Witches Cupboard

How many times have you thought about how you would love to be a better person, but only to give up when your favorite show comes on, or as soon as someone chimes in with the dreaded words like “you can’t do it””how do you plan to do that” “your always trying”. I have always been one of those people who (more times then I would like to admit )have wavered in my plans to better myself. There are so many people that have done it, their books line the shelves of books stores, and their tv shows are all over the place. I have bought their books and have sat in front of my tv for hours watching how they did it. I’ve thought “wow that’s great for them” so I make a plan to try and I start changing my life and as soon as I begin, I allow the smallest things to derail my energy. Now  some things are HUGE like loosing a job or family drama (death). But now I am going to make it a point that NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS I WILL STAY ON TRACK! I have to.

So now I’m going into attack mode. I will begin this journey here with you. What am I saying here… I’m saying I’m 5’4″ tall and I’m 37 years old, 195 LBS (holy shit) Not  good odds. I just found out that I have high colesterol (I’m not cool with that). I don’t have diabetes (thank God/dess). But that’s where I’m headed, several family members have it in my family. I will not be one of them. I am tired of looking in the mirror and seeing an attractive woman with a weight problem, low self esteem, stressed at times,  laziness, weakness,  and trapped in my own cage of self doubt. Fuck this bull I am making a change. Here is what I am starting with. THIS IS NOT ME!!! But I have this body, just change the face.

I want this so bad. I know that I can balance my life. Here is what I am doing.

1. I am saying affirmations every time I pass a mirror.  (looking good, feeling good, thinking good)

2. I downloaded to my iphone an app that’s called stop sabotage  (subliminal Messages to stop myself from sabotaging my goals in life, I tend to do that)

3. I’m doing yoga with this DVD call Yoga & Pilates with Louise Solomon 45 min so far (It’s ok, I have yet to find my groove in this one) If I can find another, or one of you has a better Yoga DVD to suggest then I will try it.

4. FREE DANCE I use my Latina roots to Salsa and Merengue  to dance my ass fat away + some Cristina Aguilera I think anything that you can dance to for 1 1/2 hours will do.

5. While the kids are eating their dinner, I do squats, side bends, lunges and walk in place.

6. I do push ups. I do a set of 15 once in the morning, another set of 15 for lunch, and the last set of 15 before bed

7. Sex whenever I want. I don’t have the body I want. However it feels good and I can burn off 300-600 calories per hour. So that’s a good means of exercise to get me to the body I want to be at.

8. Reading a  book called The Witch of Portobello By. Paulo Coelho. What does this do? It has me relax and destress. All part of the Mind shape up.

9. WATER H2O AGUA EAU  UISGE you get the point.

10. I am rocking the Secret

11. Food is Fuel.  So far I have had only fruits and veggies. I have not made a decision as to what I am eating yet. But I didn’t want to cook so I stuck with Fresh pineapple, Salad (it had about 1 TBL of ranch dressing) I’m not a Saint. Plus I made a Zucchini Bread for tomorrow. Here’s the ingredients it’s the healthiest I could find as of today.

12. I found this prayer and it makes me feel good to have the Goddess on the same page

Weight Loss Spell – Venus Evocation

Goddess of Beauty,
Goddess of women,
Goddess of love,
I evoke your power
to aid me,
to make me strong,
to fill me with your power
to help me in my purpose
to be the best
that I can be.

Goddess of Beauty,
Goddess of women,
Godess of love,
I evoke your power
to heal me,
to cleanse me,
to charge me
with life
and love of life.

Goddess of Beauty
Goddess of Women,
Goddess of Love,
I call you
into my life
to stand beside me
to protect me
to guide me
towards beauty,
and love.

Look into the candle flame and see yourself in the future, of the right age, BEING HAPPY and ALIVE (which is MUCH more important than “being thin”!).

When you are ready, blow out the candle.

Here comes the real magic.

Anytime before you eat (and where you can), light a candle to Venus before you start.

A lot of people eat a lot of stuff and they don’t get fat – it’s a mystery, really.

Let the power of Venus transform your whole eating experience.

When you’re done, leave a small morsel as a token offering and blow out the candle.

When you are in a place where you cannot light a candle, imagine one so strongly in your mind that you can nearly see it right there on the table in front of you and act just the same, quietly inside.

Should you feel it wearing off after a week or so, do the ORIGINAL full on evocation with the prayer above again to strengthen it even more. This is by Star Fire

So this was my day today. I started at a bit of a run instead of a walk. I usually start off hard and quit. But not this time I’m going to work hard all the way through. I have too much to gain by loosing the weight and feeling good with no stresses, and clear minded.

So this is where I’m at.  I’ll be posting update just look for the P.S. and you will see lbs lost,  new reading material or dramatic picture change or inches lost.

Be Blessed

Luna Noir TWC

Psychic Attack

Posted in Faith, God and Goddess Worship, magic, manifestation, New Age, Religion, tarot with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 1, 2011 by The Witches Cupboard

Hello there! As you have read before, I am no stranger to some miserable crap in my life. Lost jobs, lost house, pets dying, horrible drug infested neighborhood, and a terrible miscarriage. NOT A STRANGER… However with all that said, I have moved into a great home, with great neighbors and the job front is looking up. My heart has begun to heal from my miscarriage and I have been feeling pretty good. So when all of a suden, I was having a great time with my kids and husband and I felt this feeling of foreboding, kinda like I was sad, and depressed all of a sudden. As quick as it came it stayed 2 seconds then was gone. But it left me with the awareness of being ripped away from my good time. I had this happen quite a bit, sometimes 3 or 4 times in a day. It seemed that whenever I was happy this pang would hit me in the gut, stay for 2 seconds then just leave.

I was telling my husband how cool it was that the flowers that he bought me a month ago were still looking pretty good, and how i was amazed that they hadn’t died on us. I have had expensive flower die or wilt within a day or two. So having these $5 flowers from the local Kroger live for a month, made me take note and feel good at how beautiful they were doing. During this conversation the pang hit and my husband took notice and asked what had just happend to my mood. I explained to him what had been happening, and he said “maybe it’s a psychic attack” I was shocked that I hadn’t thought of it myself. But since I have been in such a good mood I haven’t even thought about anything negative.

So here is what I did first. I got out some stones that I have in my collection and pulled out a few that felt right for the problem.

Here is Botswana Agate it protects from evil influences and negativity. Helps to look for solutions rather that dwell on problem…

Then I took out Yellow Calcite CLears negative energy from environment. Calms the mind, and alleviates emotional stress.

Lastly I put Sardonyx in my pocket A stone of strength and protection. Prevents crime, especially theft, and dispels negativity. So with these three beauties to start I began to build up my shield defense against this negative energy that has been sent my way.

So now to start thinking about who could be the one who is sending me the bad juju. That is the tricky part. because I truly don’t know who could be after me in a bad way. The only thing that kind of freaks me out is if it is a family member. Because i tell my family everything. For a while now I have noticed that when things are going well for me and I tell a friend or family member the good news, then something will always happend to bust my mellow. It’s not that I am bragging to people, it’s just prue excitement that things are getting better with my situation, that I want to share the news. For instance when I was at the old house, my husband and I wanted to move so bad because of all the gun fire, that when we thought that we were going to be able to move I told friends and family the good news and we asked for good energy and prayers to be sent to us, so we could have an easy time when moving. Well next thing you know we aren’t moving anywhere. This happened so many times that I began to tell my husband that no matter how good the news, we can not tell anyone for fear of the jinx that would inevitably befall us. The hubs agreed. SI haven’t been able to figure out then and now who’s the ass messing with me. So here is the spell/prayer I used back then, with great results. The wording works for me but you may want to change it if you would like.

Whom ever is sending these acts of negativity
Shall stop or be held by the law of three
Threefold shall be your fate
For each time you sent me hate
May all the actions, thoughts, words of hate
Also become your decided fate
By the sun and moon that sits in the sky
feel the power and pain that you’ve caused, as I have cried
By Sun up high, the worlds and tides
by oceans wide and deep blue skies
by day and night, and powers three
this is my will, so mote it be!

This spell works like a charm. I do notice that when I use it, I won’t have any problems for a while. I think that whomever is doing the bad juju learns his or her lesson, but then at some point reverts back into a sniveling asshole.

I hope the spell doesn’t come across as if I am trying to be as mean as the energy vampire. I would never want to hurt anyone, I’m the last person who would. At the same time I can’t live like this. Always waiting for the other proverbial shoe to drop and hurt me and my family again.

When I have tried to ignore the psychic attacks it’s only made things worse. So I just use the three fold law to take it’s natural course, but with me expediting the time in which it gets there. I NEVER ask for someone to be hurt. I just ask that whatever they sent my way to just go back to them. I would rather that it just stop with no repercussion but I know that it would only continue. At least with the prayer I am able to let God and Goddess know that it is indeed time to step in and handle this for me.

The third and final thing I do is incense you can either put them in a bag and keep it on your person or burn them in a censor. I burn them. I figure since we all breath the same air, that in some way the smoke and spirit of the herbs will reach the person and stop them from attacking me. Here are the ones I use.

Heather Flower Cedar wood cones Sandal wood and Nag Champa I would call these the four horseman, when you want to put an end to something these are the four you call.

Well I hope that if you are having any trouble with a psychic attack, that you use any of this information. Plus call on God and Goddess there is nothing they can’t handle for you.

If you have any comments or questions please drop me and email.

Be Blessed

Luna Noir

P.S. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and iTunes